Chapter 5

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Alright, here's chapter 5. Enjoy! Stuff gonna happen ...

The sun shone so bright it hurt Jeanette's eyes and she closed them tightly. She turned in her bed hiding under the covers. Not now, sun. Not again. Not another day. She shuffled under the covers and brought her hands to her chest attempting to warm herself. Why did I leave the window open last night? Now the room is freezing. She waited a few minutes before realizing she wasn't going to be able to go back to sleep. 

"Jeannette, you've overslept. Get up." Ijekial said, opening the door. Jeannette groaned and pulled the covers over her head. 

"Why didn't you knock? People always say that you're such a gentleman." She said scowling under the blanket. 

"And I am a gentleman to those girls. You're my sister, I have no reason to be a gentleman towards you." 

"Whatever, just get out." Ijekial laughed.

"Fine, fine. Just remember I'm doing you a favor. Father wouldn't be pleased if he found out you've been sleeping in. Later and later if I might add." Jeannette sighed. He's only trying to help me. I don't have to be an ass to him too. She sat up and smiled at him tiredly.

"Your right, I'm sorry. I'll get dressed as quickly as I can. See you downstairs brother."

"Right. I'll distract father, you just focus on getting dressed." Ijekial smiled and closed the door shut. Jeannette's smile immediately disappeared when the door closed and returned to her usual blank expression with angry eyebrows. She looked in the mirror. My face isn't quite right. She squinted her eyes more. Now she looked intimidating. She sighed and grabbed a brush. She pulled the comb through her hair and she stared off to the side as she let her hands do the work. Her mind wandered to her usual thoughts. Athanasia. She froze. She set her comb down, leaning on the dresser and arched her eyebrows slightly in distress. If I remember correctly tomorrow is her birthday.

Athanasia. Stop it. Her dying expression. Not now. 

Her hand went to cover her mouth. Jeannette gagged. She got up quickly shaking the dresser and knocking over a perfume bottle. She ran to the bathroom but slid by the door and slammed into the wall. She gagged again and she ran inside the bathroom leaning on the toilet, not caring if her hair got the way. She was there for a couple of seconds. She sighed heavily. No. I'm not doing this. I can't right now. She exhaled and she stood up, a tingly feeling making her legs feel weak. She leaned on the wall behind her. I should get back to combing my hair, yes my hair. 

She wobbled as she walked back to her chair holding her stomach. She picked up the comb and stared at it. If I press hard enough would it cut skin? Who knows, maybe? She went back to combing her hair. After a few minutes of controlling her thoughts she finished with her hair. Combed and besides that she left it alone. 

She stood up and walked to the closet. Unlike her past life which was filled with colorful and frilly dresses, truly dresses for an innocent and childlike person, her closet was now full of simple dresses. Mr. White didn't mind buying them for her despite the fact that they were plain looking, because they were inexpensive. But, Ijekial always had sad eyes with his normal serious expression when she chose them. Like he knew she was holding herself back. Jeannette pushed the face out her head with her own guilty look. She looked through her closet and pulled out the first one she saw. Her eyes caught sight of a fancy, blue dress, with pink bows all over. I didn't buy this dress. She pulled it out of her closet and set the plain dress down. She examined it and noticed a note on it. 

The perfect dress for your perfect day! I want to see it on you when I escort you to the dance of your future. 


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