Chapter 2

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The next morning I woke up before anyone did. So I decided to wait until my mom woke up. I decided that I would read for 15 minutes and then I would do some more research. It says here that Santa Claus is only truly real if you believe he's real. Well I believe but it still seems a little iffy. after about an hour it was 10:00a.m. and mom finally woke up and made me some breakfast. I had pancakes,bacon,eggs,and French toast. it was really good. My mom makes really good food, if she's in the mood. after I ate breakfast I went into the living room and watched TV. After a few episodes of "The Middle" I went back upstairs and did some more research......... Every tale I've heard says that Santa drives a sleigh with magical flying reindeer, and that he delivers presents to kids all over the world in one night. But you know who makes all the toys? These magical creatures called elves. But I have some questions about them. Like one why do they have pointy ears? Two, why are they so small? Three, why are they Hso old but look so young? See all these questions aren't dumb, they're just plain smart. But Santa must be really nice if he's going to deliver presents to kids all over the world. Here I'm going to let you guys in on a little secret, I don't believe in the naughty list. I mean why would he bring toys to just some of the kids? That wouldn't be fair. What kind of person would bring some presents to kids but not all of them. I'm getting older and my belief is melting. If I don't find some proof soon I'm not going to believe, and that will be really sad.

Omg! Omg! He's calling me! Oh sorry. Ok so there may be a boy at school named Brandon, and I may have a crush on him. Oh and there may be a school dance coming up. No big deal... Oh who am I fooling? Its a huge deal. CRAP! What do I do? What do you do when a boy calls you? UGH! I don't know what to do!! Uh I guess I'll answer it and see what happens..........guess what. He asked me to the dance! He said to meet him at the Dairy Queen tomorrow at 4:00p.m. He said to wear comfortable clothes, because we're going to walk over to the park after we get some ice cream. I can't wait till tomorrow, it will be so fun!

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