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There are so many of them who are posting on their social media about mental health and how it matters. I felt so good that people are now taking a big step towards this and are considering it wisely. But hardly do we know that the ones who are willing to help are themselves in need of help. 

We do not know what the person in front of us is thinking or doing in the absence of anyone. Some are in denial that they are not good and pretend to be happy just to keep their emotions together and to be strong  for their close ones. But keeping your feelings in eats you up and makes you feel miserable. At times the load is so much that our mind tends to explode and our tears tend to come out. 


Everyone knows what to do when it comes to helping others but when it comes to helping their own selves they just let go and that is definitely not acceptable. I know how hard it is to open up and express your feelings. Letting someone look at what you feel or what you have been through and showing them your part of life is definitely not easy. But trust me after you do that to a right person it feels like a big load being unloaded from our minds. I know what might've emerged in your mind now that where do we get right person in this world of unfaithful people.Some of you might say that you have friends to support you and that's completely okay but remember not always your friends will be able to help you out as they are of your age and they have experienced living life on earth from the same time as you did while some of you might even not have friends to share with or family members because you think they might judge you but there is always someone who never will judge you and make you feel better and i.e. counselors and therapists. Some of you think that going to counselors and sharing your heart out is not sounding that great and people who have loads of problems or have disorders go to them but that's not true. It's not always that you go to a counselor/therapist because you have such things sometimes you just need someone to listen to your pain or to your problems be it small and to show you the way out of it. Even letting out your things to an adult or someone older than you is not bad. The more you let out the pain is when you find the way to happiness.

Lastly I would conclude that hard times are going around and I wish  all of you to stay strong to tackle your way out of your problems. You all are doing great work and keep it up! 

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