Plese wake up

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They walked up to the lift to save a few minutes of climbing stairs the got in everyone was in stunned silane as Megan pushed the button of the HDU floor the squeaking of the lift winch was almost unbearable it went though everyone like someone scratching their nails down a choral bored  the fading light flickered in the extremely dim box and the smell was like what can only be described as a rotting corpse smell that had been pestering for weeks Adrien held Sofia up close to him as to try and protect her there was suddenly a loud dig as the lift had finally managed to reached the right level the doors squeaked open  and they all walked out of the horrible lift the long corridor was surprisingly very brightly decorated for a nice place to be which was probably why the wall were so colourful and bright as to distract visitors as to the horrible reasons they were there they continued down the corridor until they came to a small room that Megan suddenly stopped infant of
She's just in her you all still all ok to see her I worn you it can be a bit upsetting at first
No I....I wanna see her everyone said almost at the same time
Ok then
Mega opened the door slowly to reveal a lightly lit fairly big room they then saw a hospital bed in the center of the room and the reality of the situation they now found themselves in now became ever more real everyone was shocked at the sight they saw before them it suddenly becomes to much for Alya to bear she moved back slightly an buried her face and to Nino's shoulder he lent his head on hers and embraced her in a tight hug as she began to sob
Shhhh.....Shhhhh's o....ok Al.....Alya he trued to comfort her but he was having trouble getting the words out stating to shed a tear too that had escaped his eyes
Are you guys ok you wanna go out for a minute Tom managed to speak
Marlena put her hand on her daughters shoulder gently trying to comfort her
I think I better take you guys home don't you
Alya desperately wanted to stay and be with her best friend but she couldn't find the words though her sobs the only thing she could do was nod her head slowly
Nino wanted to be there for his best mate but one he had Alya to look after and two he thought it best for him to have some time alone with her he agreed and left with Marlena Alya in his arms
Come on then let's go Marlena said ushering the pair outage door and to the car to go home
Only Adrien holding Sofia close to him Sabine and Tom were left in the room now
I'll give you three some time ok I'll be just outside if you need anything
Ok thank you Tom answered
Megan then left the room letting the door close slowly behind her before breaking down she had tried to keep it together for the family's sake but inside she felt like she had been crushed the young girl was so young and beautiful she and her family and her newborn daughter didn't deserve any of this it was so cruel what had happened

Back in the room it was silent apart from all  the  content beeping of Marinette's Machines helping her to breath and monitoring her hart rate Adrien moved closer to her bed side he was shocked at the sight he saw before him his Lady was almost unrecognisable her small pig tail were gone her bubbles had been removed properly in an effort to try and make her more comfortable her soft pink skin was now as paler then the bed sheets there was a massive breathing tube coming out of her mouth that went down her throat she was in a while hospital gown with squares on it her eyes closed tightly shut like her eye lids had been glued shut she looked awful almost dead he grabbed her hand and squeezed it tightly don't go please Mari your baby needs you I need you he whispered softly I love you bugaboo no matter what I always will just come back to us come back to me
Sabine then game up behind him and lays  a hand on her daughters shoulder
My beautiful baby girl and now look at you hay your gonna get though this sweetheart I promise just keep on fighting come Mari come on baby girl you can beat this I know you can your my little girl and you always will be my little girl I'm so sorry for this if only I'd have known I'd have supported you better with it Sabine chocked starting to cry
It's not your fault love Tom said coming over to confront his wife
Yes it is if I'd have stayed with my parents instead of running away I'd know what I've got that I pass on to my own daughter that nearly killed her and had left her fighting for her life Sabine shouted obviously in a great deal of pain
Love just listen to me ok Tom says trying to calm his wife down you wouldn't be able to stop Marinette from getting it ok it's a recessive gone ok you wouldn't have been able to stop this

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