Chapter 1 - Sunset High School

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"Y/N Breakfast is ready!" I hear my mom say as she opened my bedroom door and stared at me. "Y/N, your not even dressed, get up! Today is the first day of your sophomore year and there is no way I'm driving you, I need to get to work". I gasped finally processing what she said and quickly got up looking around for clothes "Oh my god-oh my god!! Am I gonna be late?" "Well, no, but I'm gonna be late for work so promise me you'll make it to the bus". I nodded quickly not even understanding a word she said since I was in a rush. She sighed and closed my door getting ready to leave for work. "I left pancakes on the kitchen table for breakfast!" She said before leaving.

I changed before brushing my hair and putting my backpack on. I quickly went down stairs and had breakfast at the table. After I was done eating I checked my phone which....didnt have any messages. I sighed and turned my phone off before heading to the bus stop. Once I got there, I saw other kids talking to each other while waiting for the bus. I wished I had friends. Last year I found out that my best friend was a backstabbing bitch and only used me to increase her popularity. She spread one lie about me which turned into a rumor and everyone turned on me. I'll never forget about that piece of shit liar.

I gasped as I accidently bumped into someone. "Hay, woah there" he said as he turned around. He was a brown dog with a purple shirt and yellow eyes. I slightly blushed and got a bit nervous seeing I was the only human here. "O-oh, I'm sorry" "No no, no need for apologies, it's okay". I slightly smiled at his kindness but stopped as I heard his friend behind him "Well, you always happen to run into the ditzy people. Well in this case the ditzy person ran into you". "Shut up Foxy" Doggy protested. "Don't mind him, for some reason he's been really grumpy lately. But once you get to know him he's not so much of an ass" "Hay!" Foxy yelled causing Doggy to laugh. "Anyways uhh, I didn't catch your name" "Oh! I'm Y/N" "Nice to meet you Y/N, hay maybe you could sit next to us at lunch, maybe become friends with me and mister grumpy tail over there". Foxy slightly growled and looked away causing us to silently giggle.

The bus finally came and everyone started to slowly get on. I got some looks as I walked on since I was the only human here. 'Hopefully there's some other humans at school so I don't have to have eyes on me all the time' I thought as I sat in one of the backseats alone. I stared out of the window and sighed causing it to fog up. A few seconds someone sat next to me. I turned thinking it was Doggy but it wasn't "Hi I'm Daisy, whats your name?". She was a grey donkey with a white snout, a pink dress, and light red eyes. "Im Y/N" "Nice to meet you Y/N, maybe we can be friends?". I smiled and nodded accepting her request.

The bus finally started to drive once everyone was on. "So Y/N, do you have any friends?" "I used to, I don't wanna talk about them" I said with a slight sound of anger in my voice. "Oh, I see, you don't have to talk about it. I only have one friend, her name is Elly" "That's cool". For the rest of the ride we were silent. I noticed Doggy in the front of the bus looking back at me a few times, but I didn't really notice since I was on my phone for most of the time. I got a text from my mom asking if I made it to the bus which I of course replied with "Yes". She started to praise me by saying things like "I love you" and yada yada.

We finally got there as the bus stopped letting everyone out. I let out a shaky sigh as I made my way off the bus. The school I went to last year was equally filled with humans and animals, but now it's gonna be way different. "Hay Y/N, I'll see ya later, I gotta go find my friend" Daisy waved before running off. I looked around already feeling eyes on me. I quickly walked to the big building and went inside. I looked around and down the hall that was filled with kids and hallways. It was almost too much for me. I kept my head down as I walked through everyone.

There was no lockers which surprised me since my school had lockers. People barely used them tho. I froze as I saw Doggy and Foxy talking while walking towards me. I quickly leaned against the wall casually and kept my chill. "Hey Y/N, what classes do you have?" "Oh uh lemme check!" I said before taking out my schedule. "Ehh, Art, ELA, Math, SocialStudies, Lunch, Science, Dance, and Singing". Before Doggy could tell me his schedule, the bell rang. "See you at lunch?" He said with a smile. I nodded "Of course". And with that we all started to walk to our classes.

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