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The egg yolk sun poured through the cracks in the blind and awaited entrance into her eyes. She awoke to soft sheets, and notching the morning light trickled in through the blinds. She looked around the room...funny when she went into deep slumber she wasn't in a house nor was she on a bed. Last she checked, she was in a dark and cold place. 

"Finally you are awake."

She turned to the entrance of the room where she saw a guy with long black hair and drop dead gorgeous black eyes. He had a small smile on his face and was holding a mug. It was Om...the guy she loved all this time.

Om: you okay Gauri? Are you feeling any pain? Do you need anything?

Gauri shook her head as she sat up and Om gave her the mug.

Gauri: you made chai?

Om: yeah I did.

Before Gauri took a sip, she noticed that she was still in her bridal outfit.

Gauri: why am I still in this outfit?

Om: well you was unconscious when I brought you here and I had the decency not to undress you and dress you into something else.

Gauri: accha. Why was I unconscious?

Om was about to speak when she took a sip of chai...then she remembered.

Gauri: where are the kids? What did Advay and Riddhima do to them? 

The gun noise echoed in her ears...she kept the mug on the night table next to the bed and tears rolled down her face.

Om: Gauri...

Gauri sobbed into his chest unceasingly, hands clutching at his shirt. He held her in silence, rocking her slowly as her tears soaked his chest. 

Om: shh don't cry.

Gauri: how can I? Viren is dead and I couldn't save him.

Voice: I still got a long time left till I die.

Gauri separated herself from Om, once again looking at the entrance to see Viren standing at the room entrance, smiling.

Gauri: Viren...but the gunshot...

Viren went up to his mother and wiped the tears, saying: the bullet never hit me.

Gauri: where are your sisters? Where's Buamaa? 

Voices: we're here.

Once again she looked at the entrance to see Aadhira, Munni (and her teddy), and Buamaa. They all went up to Gauri, hugging her...Munni making her way onto Gauri's laps.

Munni: daddy save us.

Gauri turned to face Om who was smiling.

Gauri: you did?

Om: yeah I did. I reached Buamaa's house to talk to you but you and the kids weren't there. Buamaa was holding Munni's teddy and she was calling out your names. Aadhira called us from the warehouse because she had Buamaa's phone.

Gauri: really?

Aadhira: yeah so that's why I made up an excuse so I could call papa. 

Om: and we reached when Riddhima was keeping the gun near Viren



Finally they reached the warehouse...the cornfield was there, the windmill was there and the dark blue well was there. Just like Aadhira had said. Buamaa and Om went out of the car and ran to the warehouse but the door was locked.

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