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As I read a new book I had just bought, The Night Circus, the doorbell rung across the silent house I was currently occupying. I got reluctantly and walked towards the mahogany double doors, where the noise had begun. I pouted as I opened one of the gigantic doors. There, on the porch the twins, my best friends, stood.

"Happy Birthday Vi!" They both yelled in my face as I grimaced. They're both my best friends and all, but they got pretty tiring at times. Luke, Mia, and I were all as different as night and day in our personalities as well as our looks. Mia had bright purple hair and green eyes, while her brother differed with keeping his blond hair and blue eyes, making them look like lifelong friends instead of siblings. The guy was as shy as a gopher, unlike his sister's outgoing personality. I, on the other hand, had regular dark brown hair with boring brown eyes.

"Well, you guys finally got here. I thought you wouldn't make it today." I remarked. Mia laughs at this and Luke stayed silent, a slight shade of pink forming on his cheeks.

"There was a ton of traffic on the way here. On a totally different subject, where is my nephew?" Mia ranted as they entered the house.

"He isn't here, if his aunt hadn't been in Italy with her brother for three months, she would've known. Mark is with his grandparents in San Francisco. He'll be coming back for the weekend in about two weeks, before they head to the Bahamas. He left yesterday." I explained my son's situation as I smiled at the mention his name.

Mark was four years old and going to kindergarten in the fall. You're most likely judging me for having a kid at such a young age, but the fact is I wasn't a teen mom, I was twenty one, an independent adult, according to the law. Besides, I had graduated high school at sixteen, I had skipped a grade, and had my degree in business, with a steady job in my father's company (we're going to refer my job to a 'company') by the time I had Mark. Now, four years later, I was co CEO with my brother, since my father retired two years ago.

"Good. We can go clubbing tonight." Mia said excitedly.

"Mia, I'm too busy for clubbing, and I have some people coming over." I argued.

"What? Olivia, you need to stop being so tense, you're twenty five years old, not forty. Besides, you need a father for Mark." She pouted.

"You want me to find a father for Mark in a club? And don't forget that most guys don't go for women with kids." I said, crossing my arms.

"Okay, fine, you win this time. So who did you invite?" She asked.

"A few friends." I called out from the kitchen.

"Hmmmm." She hummed.

"I know that hum, sis! Do not invite more people Mia!" Luke yelled from the living room.

"I'm not doing anything bad!" She yelled back. Suddenly the doorbell rang.

"I'll get it, probably the guests." I said, walking over to the door. I opened the door with a big smile, but it instantly faded. I looked at the person in front of me in shock.

"Olive? Is that you?" He asked.

"I- I... How did you find me?" I stuttered.

"My car broke down, and you're the first person on this street to answer the door." He explained.

Sure I was, this too cliché to believe. Might as well play along.

"Come in then, it must be hot outside."

"I have the boys with me, can I call them over?"

"Y- yeah, sure." He walked over to the end of the street and bent down to talk to someone in a car. Soon two figures started to walk with him down the street, heading over here. I tried to steady my breathing, but what can you when your ex shows up after five years?

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