Chapter One

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As I greeted the final guest that was attending my small gathering, I couldn't help but think about what would happen if Nathan finds out he's a father. Nothing pretty of course. I sighed as I walked over to the kitchen to grab more snacks for my guests. To my surprise Nathan was there, wearing an apron over his clothes, and of course making something to eat.

"What are you doing?" I asked. He turned around to look at me and shrugged.

"I'm making something to eat." He responded in a 'duh' tone.

"Get out. You're my guest, I should be treating you." I ordered. He looked at me with an amused expression.

"I don't think so. It's your birthday, you should be resting." He mused. I growled and grabbed him by the ear. I dragged him over to the living room and sit him down on the couch. I turned around to walk away, but his hand was quicker. His calloused hand wrapped around my wrist and pulled me towards him.

"I love it when you get bossy and mad. Sexy." He murmured in my ear as my face heated up in embarrassment. I pushed away from him and fixed my skirt. I quickly walked away from him and stepped into the kitchen. As I tried to reach over to the high shelf I heard footsteps nearing.

"I already told you to go enjoy yourself. I don't want you in here." I told Nathan.

"Oh shut up. You want me in here." A female voice retorted. I quickly turned around to see Hazel, another one of my friends.

"Hazel! I missed you much!" I exclaimed excitedly. She grinned  and walked over to hug me. I pulled away after a moment to see the grin still on her face.

"Haze, you're kinda scaring me." I said.

"Why are the boys here? I thought you called it off with Nathan." She grinned. I sighed and turned around to cook.

"Not what you're thinking. We didn't get back together and we will not be doing so unless Sammy changes his mind." I explained to her. She exhaled loudly and stomped on the ground.

"Why are you still listening to him? You are an independent woman!" She exclaimed.

"Hazel, he's my older brother and he knows what's good for me." I justified for my brother.

"If you ask me, I would bet anything that he just doesn't want to pay for the wedding." She joked. I rolled my eyes at her as she took a beer out of the fridge.

"I'm telling you, ignore your brother and do what you want. It's better for you to do so. You'll be so much happier. Don't you think that you deserve happiness?" She asked, now serious. I sighed at her thoughtfulness and smiled at her.

"I am happy. With Mark." I said truthfully.

"You may be happy now, but there's still an emptiness that only one person can fill, chica."

"Yeah, but who's Mark?" I heard a new voice enter our conversation. Oh no. Not him, why him? I turned around to face Kyle and glared at him.

"Why were you eavesdropping?" I snapped.

"Who's Mark?" He asks once again. Hazel sighed loudly causing Kyle do direct his attention to her. He grinned at the sight of her.

"Hazel, I'll buy you anything if you tell me who Mark is." He bribed her. She shook her head.

"Olivia, as your older cousin, I demand that you tell me who Mark is." He demanded.

"No. I can't tell you." I said firmly. He sighed and ran a hand through his hair.

"You see, here's the problem little cousin. If you don't tell me who Mark is, I'll tell Nathan exactly what you two were discussing. Do not take my threat lightly." My older cousin said, his eyes narrowing a bit.

"You're still going to tell him anyway." Hazel retorted. Kyle's head whipped to face Hazel's glare.

"We'll make a compromise. Tell me who Mark is and I won't tell Nathan." He stated.

"Fuck off, we know that you'll tell him anyway because you're Nathan's loyal dog. Even if you have to lie to your own damn family." Hazel spat.

"This doesn't concern you Chevalier. It's a family matter." Kyle snapped. She scoffed and crossed her arms.

"Kyle, I don't know why you want to know so badly." I said whilst rolling my eyes.

"Look, I won't tell him for three months. Until then you have to do something about it." He offered.

"Six months."

"Five's my limit."

"Deal." I said.

"What?! You're telling me that you're gonna tell this shitface?!" She exclaimed.

"He has a right to know Hazel, he is my cousin." I told her.

"Fine but if he goes tell Nathan, I will not hesitate to kill him." She scowled. Kyle rolled his eyes at her and turned his attention to me after she glared at him. The look he made seemed to speak on its own, he wanted me to tell him. I took a deep breath and commenced my story.

"Remember when Nathan and I got engaged?" I asked and he nodded. "Well, I had gotten pregnant during the engagement, I was about six months pregnant when the doctors told us the baby was dead. Nathan and I grieved together for about a week when Sammy called and demanded that I call off the wedding. I of course had to, you know this.

"When I did tell Nathan that the wedding was off, I ran away. Then a few days later I felt a kick in my stomach, the baby had somehow managed to survive. Three months later Mark was born, I was so happy that I could have something of Nathan's. Now about five years later you guys are here and that's all there is to this story." I explained.

"Wow. I thought that you had a boyfriend or some shit like that. Thank God I don't have get any more blood on my hands." He said.

"Why the fuck would you need to get blood on your hands, dip shit?" Hazel asked, voicing my thoughts.

"Because Nathan would send me to do his meaningless work. Can't you get that through your thick skull Chevalier?"

"Why don't you go fuck yourself, it's all you're good at anyway."

"Are you sure I need to fuck myself when I can just go bed another girl? Oh wait, I'm not like you. I don't fuck around with just anyone."

"Low blow Faust, low blow." She said and stormed off. When her back was turned, he looked at her retreating figure longingly. Kyle turned around to face my questioning gaze and sighed wistfully.

"How is she?"

"It's not my place to tell you anything, I'm sorry."

"Please Liv, I need to know, if I don't I'm going to fall apart. I still love her so much." He pleaded.

"She looks happy, but she hasn't moved on as well." I reported reluctantly. His eyes lit up.

"Really? You're not playing, right? She still has feelings?" He asked excitedly. I chuckled at his childlike behavior and reached up to hug him. He immediately wrapped his arms around me, having to bend down a bit so I could reach his height.

"Thank you, thank you so much!" He whispered. A clearing of a throat broke us apart.

"Sorry to break apart this family reunion or whatever this shit is, but someone's here to see you Vi." Like said as he walked into the room. I quickly stepped away and excused myself to see who was here. As I stepped into the living room I saw my older brother talking -- no, arguing -- with my ex. I jogged over to them before it got worse. I tapped Samuel's shoulder and grinned when he turned around with an angry look on his face.

"Hello brother." I grinned up at him.

"Olivia." He breathed. He quickly picked me up and hugged me tightly. I, of course returned the hug as hard as I could, since I didn't see him in an entire year.

"Happy birthday sis." He told me when we broke apart.

"Thank you. Now, why were you two arguing on the anniversary of the best day your life?" I demanded to know.

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