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" Seulgi-san this is our last question for you, everyone's very curious about this! " the Japanese interviewer asked " what is your ideal man? " along with the audience he seemed very interested as well about what Seulgi might going to answer.

Seulgi let out a long hum before shrugging " I don't have any " she cutely answered, trying hard to go on to the ending of the interview.

" don't be secretive! " the girl co-emcee cheekily said, not letting Seulgi off the hook that easily " everyone wants to know, right!? " she pointed her mic to the crowd and everyone shouted their agreement.

" hmmm... I would like to be with someone who makes me very comfortable, laughs a lot with me since I like corny jokes " she giggled " and... looks pretty when they laugh " she nods her head.

The interviewer sighed " I think I'll be eliminated then! I look ugly when I laugh! " he exclaimed.

" I agree on you, you do look awful " the co-emcee agreed which garnered a big laugh " I would like to have this follow up question— Seulgi-san are you single right now? Seeing anybody or dating someone? " she curiously asked.

Seulgi sweetly smiled and looked at the audience who are anticipating really hard with what she'll going to answer " I am " she bravely said and continued with " I am in a relationship with my fans only " she cheekily smiled from that mini heart attack that she had caused her fans.

" woah, we nearly had a World War III there! " the host exclaimed " with the ending of this interview, I would like to say thank you for guesting and we would be hoping that you'll come back soon! "

" I would really love to come back! " Seulgi responded.

For almost three months, Seulgi has been rarely spotted in Korea. She's on tour and she really does refuse to go back to Korea even there is an opportunity for her to do so. She would smile as she steps on stage almost every day with her fans excitedly cheering for her, but they would never know that the idol that they are cheering for is just pretending to be okay.

" I hope you enjoyed your day with me!!! " Seulgi shouted on the mic " thank you for coming and seeing me tonight~ I hope we can see each other again! " the last thing she said before going to the backstage and having her bright smile fade as she walks away from the crowd.

There were times where she'll travel to three countries in a time span of 48 hours. She hadn't had a proper rest at all. She would skip her meals to comply with the schedules that she arranged herself even with some opposition from her own agency. Seulgi is being hard on herself, too hard on herself— almost torturing and surpassing the limits of her body.

Seulgi would also attend fashion shows and make friends with different types of people with different professions from her. A lot of people would love to hook up with her but she's clearly not interested in any of those. She will just refuse every time someone would try knocking on her heart's door.

She always pushes people away when the truth is she really needs someone to stay— and it's probably because she has that one specific person in her heart who she's still hoping to stay with her.

Although she does those things, she never fails to communicate with her fans through social media, posting pictures of her day and such.

She never forgets to remind her fans that she loves them, but she does forget to remind herself to rest and to love herself. She's always smiling as she goes but her heart is full of dead flowers that never blooms. She's miserable.

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