the Sirens Bite

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  Ever since I was little, I had always been fascinated by the ocean. Most kids around my age back then wanted to be superheroes or firefighters. I however wanted to be a marine biologist. It was always my dream to get up close and personal with the creatures of the sea and study them, but as I got older you could say I got a few of my dreams crushed. One of the biggest reasons being my father's strong tie to the military. He had always been rather evasive whenever I asked him about it and eventually he become more and more withdrawn because of it, so eventually I stoped asking, figured he must of had is reasons, and though I never knew exactly where he served and he really wasn't a big fan of me asking. I knew that wherever it was, he never seemed quite the same after it. Always looked a bit hollow, like he had lost his purpose when it was all over, and since I was his only child he wanted me to quote, "serve mine" and follow in his footsteps". This would've definitely placed me into a depression if I didn't find the loopholes. I may not have been able to study the ocean, but I could definitely be there to defend it. And though in the end it was my choice I wanted to to give him something to be proud of So eventually I gave in, and a grueling year after my 20th birthday I had found myself a part of Florida's coast guard. It was no walk in the park, the work was exhausting not to mention the many cons I faced like waking up early to name one I particularly despised, but even though the days felt like they lasted forever and something on me was always bruised or aching at the end of the day; there where many pros I didn't know I'd have if I hadn't joined. For one it definitely put me into shape, and I no longer felt tense when walking down the streets at night knowing I could defend myself if I had to, but it also gave me the opportunity to gain new friends. The best of which were named Sarah Ward and Matthew Cleanered, both of which I had been stationed with for the past year and a half now. I think there only downsides where that they could drive me a bit crazy and loved to hound me every time I turned up a bit late. It would seem not even the power of the military could stop me from sleeping in. But most of all it was the chance to go out to sea, the fresh salted smell from the sea and the warm beams of light that flashed down from the sky's that warmed the waters or the icey frost of the mornings was something that I rather loved it honestly made each day worth it. As long as I had my chance to go out into the waters I could get over anything, Matthew and Sara even began calling it my "bath time", it wasn't the most creative name in the world but they seemed proud of it nonetheless.

Most of our days normally involve just sitting around waiting for something to happen, and when the need arrived, we would be on our way out, cruising the waters in search of missing people and vessels, with the occasional drug bust every now and then. It honestly Wasn't too bad of a life, I even made time to fit marine biology into my schedule, turning it into a sort of hobby. Using most of my days off work exploring and cataloging the reefs just off shore. I even managed to get both Sara and Matthew in on it.
On top of it all my father even gave me the keys to our old summer beach house, giving me the opportunity to wake up refreshed by the salty ocean breeze on a daily basis. But seeing that dull smile on his face made it all the better.

It almost felt like the world was at peace and it was only clear skies ahead. That was till last week, when a heavy hurricane tore across Miami Florida; knocking out power for most of the coast, causing thousands of dollars worth of damage. My place got a little scuffed up, but nothing that couldn't be easily fixed with a few nails hear and there. Though my friend Matthew got hit pretty hard. From what I heard his condo had been completely totaled. I had plenty of space for a roommate and was the first to offer him a place to stay to which he happily accepted. Even Sara started to spend more and more time over after learning of this development till it felt like she to had moved in, which wasn't a bother for me since I had two spare rooms and enjoyed there company. They were free to stay as long as they helped pay a few of the bills. Things couldn't have felt better, and it was possibly the only good thing that came out of this.

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