Chapter 1

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"THEIF! STOP HIM!" Five of the palace guards shouted in unison, as they charged down the streets of London. Caspian laughed as one of them tripped. He ran down an alley way trying to find a place to hide. Three months it has been, three months of running, hiding, fighting.
'And to still think they're after me..' Caspian thought. 'For something I didn't do.'
The guards, dressed in the palace colors and the Royal family's crest on their shoulders grinned smugly. "We've got you now traitor!"
Caspian only sighed. "How many times do I have to tell you? I didn't kill my father!" he shouted.
"Liar, You are a lying traitor!" They all snarled, pulling out their swords.
Caspian tsked. 'I was hoping I didn't have to do this...'
The guards launched themselves at him, but Caspian, knife in hand, dodged all of them. Using the wall, Caspian launched himself off of it, kicking on guard in the head knocking the guard out cold. Caspian moved to the rest of the guards but, stopped short when an arrow went through all four of the guards at once. A hooded figure, standing on a nearby roof lowered it's bow and took off.
"Hey wait!" Caspian shouted after the mysterious hooded figure. Climbing the wall, he got to the roof in time to see the figure about to jump to the next building.
"Wait!" Caspian cried desperately. He had to know who that was and why he helped him. The figure stopped suddenly only to turn around fast and pointed it's bow and arrow at him.
Caspian raised both hands, trying to show he meant no harm.
"I just need to know who you are. Your name at least?"
"Rose." her voice came out velvety, and smooth, but cold.
Before Caspian could react she jumped. Rushing to the edge of the the roof he saw no one on the ground below, no trace of the mysterious girl named Rose.

Later that night, Caspian laid on some hay in a barn he found earlier. He stayed awake unable to clear his mind of that Rose girl.
'I got to know why she helped me.. She might know someone who can help clear my name.' Caspian wondered, drifting off into a dream-filled sleep.

~Just a small idea of a story..

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