Chapter 5

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"You're up early," Jennie points out when Nathan comes downstairs to eat breakfast. "What's the occasion?" She jokes with him when he picks a glass out from one of the cupboards.

Nathan shrugs. "Just thought I'd head in early today," he says as he prepares his breakfast.

Aaron enters the kitchen, already on his way out. He smiles at his son and kisses his wife on the cheek. "Good to see you up and at them so early," he says and pats Nathan on the shoulder. "Say, I'm going to try and head home early today. Jennie suggested we eat dinner out."

"That sounds great," Nathan says, flashing his father a beaming smile. "I can't wait."

Chuckling, Aaron turns and picks his keys from the counter. "I'll see the two of you later. Have a nice day."

"You too," Jennie and Nathan reply in unison. When Aaron has left, Nathan pours himself some juice. "You think he's going to be on time?" he asks.

Jennie gives him a slight glare. "He's trying," she says. "Let's hope he'll be on time this time." They share understanding smiles. "Either way, I made reservations, so don't be late. If nothing else, you and I'll go."

"I will," Nathan vows. "Are you heading to work soon?"

"I'm waiting for my ride. A coworker's picking me up today. They're trying a carpool thing at work."

Nathan looks up at her, and an idea strikes him. "Yeah, uh... I'm not hungry, so I'm just gonna go," he gets up and puts the dishes in the sink. "See you later. Have a nice day!"

Before his stepmother has any time to protest or stop him, he's grabbed his sports bag and backpack and slipped out the door. He jogs over to his car and tosses his bags into the trunk before getting into the driver's seat, starting the car and backing out of the driveway.

It takes him longer than he thought to make it to Jonathan's house. Not because he doesn't know the way there, but because he keeps trying to talk himself out of it.

"It's a stupid idea," he mutters when he pulls up on Jonathan's street. "He's going to think it's weird. It is weird!" He shakes his head as he parks and gets out of the car.

And the moment he's knocked on the door, Nathan realizes that he doesn't know what to say. He wonders if there's still time to back out - to run back to the car and get out of there before anyone answers the door.

But he is not so lucky, and the door slowly creaks open to reveal a slim woman on the other side. She looks as if she's just awoken, and looks at Nathan with narrow eyes. They're the same as Jonathan's. "Yes?" she says. "Can I help you?"

"I'm looking for Jonathan. Is he in?"

The reply and the following question seems to surprise the woman. She blinks and lets the door swing open further. "Yes, he's not left yet," she says. "Are you a friend from school?"

"Yes," Nathan says, hoping that Jonathan won't tell her otherwise.

The woman nods. "I'll go and fetch him for you. Come in," she offers and allows Nathan to step into the hallway. She leaves him there and heads further into the house to search for her son.

Nathan gulps, nervously looking around as he waits. The hallway ahead is narrow, and the walls - that are painted a strange off-white - are strangely bare, except for a few photographs Nathan can't get a good look at. The house smells clean, and there's a warmth coming from the room at the end of the hallway. It looks like the kitchen.

The woman calls out for her son, and Jonathan comes darting out from a door to the right, not noticing the teen standing by the front door. "Mom," Jonathan says, disappearing into the kitchen after his mother. "You're supposed to be in bed."

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