When Daddy pig got up to where Peppa and Nateele where playing Mommy pig called Peppa down to go to the supermarket.~ Leaving Daddy pig and Nateele alone.~ "Oh no! We can play house if there is no baby!"~ Nateele exclaimed. ~ "Don't worry hon we can always make a baby.~" Daddy pig stated.~ "Huh? How?"~ Nateele said.~ "Oh well I'll show you~" Daddy pig said in a husky tone.~ Before Nateele could respond Daddy pig pinned her against the floor and pulled down her pants, and pulled up her shirt.~ "D-Daddy pig! W-what are you doing!?~"
Daddy pig took of his shirt rEving hIs 12 PacK roLlS.~ "OOoooO~" Naylw said, Daddy pig then pulled down his pants Reving his 15in thoobing c0cK.~ He ThEn pUllEd dOwn nAteeLes wEt panTies.~ ToRd thE geRaT rEd leaDer thEn raMmEd his 15In cOck I To nAteelEs vagina.~ DaddY piG then rammed in and oUt rePetElY not letting NatEelE to adJuSt.~ "AHHHHHHHH~" Nattale MoNEd~ "h-HarDer dAddY fIll mE ipwIth hOpe!~"............ "hope?"~ Nagito said~