I will never leave you, Sonic...

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Prompt for art goes to.
@doughnutsandsushi on tumblr! Go check out their work they do! They're amazing!

Sonic pounded against the ground, the ground which was shaking beneath him. He was running, but from what? He couldn't make it out, the shadow was thick, thick enough for you to fall through. Sonic couldn't tell whether he was being chased, or whether he was being raced against. He'd like to presume the second option, but it looks like it was the first, the shadow was chasing him, definitely chasing him! It was just as fast as him, there was no way sonic a cut out run this one, no way an absolute hell! The shadow finally slowed down, giving sonic just enough time to see who the shadow actually was. Sonic blinked, was he mistaken or? What is that his own dad? No, of course not! Don't be stupid sonic! Your dad wouldn't do this to you, you've known him long enough. I mean.... six months isn't long enough really, is it? No not really. Anyway back to the problem of the matter, why in the world was his own dad chasing him down? And how in hell did Tom obtain that superspeed? Was he possessed? Nope, too far-fetched. Was he hypnotised? Meh, possibly but still too cliche for Tom to be chasing him like this. only left one solution. He was working for Robotnick. Yep, that only seemed like the most logical explanation, Tom and Robotnick didn't really see eye to eye, when it came to sonic, and now Tom was working with him? That was just insane! It couldn't be the solution though, it couldn't! Tom loved him more than anything! Tom would never in hell do anything like that. If anything, Tom would've probably sacrificed himself in the first place if it wasn't for sonic doing the exact same thing. Sonic  knew Tom loved him, but he still couldn't figure out why in all of Greenhills he was working for Robotnick. Tom was now near metres away from Sonic, sonic kept running, running, running until his legs officially give up. He couldn't run any more, he couldn't! Sonic fell to the ground, his legs were burning, Hotter than a sauna in Hawaii. "No!! Tom! You're better than this! You're my friend! You're my dad, you would never do ANYTHING like this, I know you wouldn't! "Sonic shouted, attempting to get back up and run again. The shadow that resemble Tom glared at him, walking towards him and picking him up and walking over like in a robot motion to the desk that Robotnick had prepared. Sonic squealed, squirmed, anything to try and get himself free but nothing worked, absolutely nothing. The sound of machines could be heard in the background, as sonic was placed onto his living hell bed, it wasn't a deathbed, it was a hell bed. Sonic finally awoke with a scream, he was drenched in sweat, but he couldn't sit up, he couldn't even move he was that terrified! Sonic didn't even notice Tom standing there by his side, noticing his adoptive son covered in sweat, the look of terror mixed with relief on his face. "Hey, hey, hey, it's okay, it wasn't real, everything is okay. "Tom said soothingly, picking up the drenched hedgehog and placing him on his lap. But not even the soothing words from his adoptive father could soothe him, sonic was terrified! If there was another word to explain how he felt that would be it, sonic had never been this shaken up, ever! "Woah there bud. You're really shakin' aren't ya? What the heck did you dream about? "Tom asked, using his pyjama sleeve to wipe the sweat off the hedgehog. Sonic didn't respond, he couldn't after that hell. He just buried his face in to Tom's crook of his neck crying,, Tom shushed him,rocking him back and forth holding him close. "Everything's gonna be okay buddy... I promise..." Tom said, kissing the back of his adoptive son's head.
"Let's go in the garden
You'll find something waiting
Right there where you left it
Lying upside down
When you finally find it
You'll see how it's faded
The underside is lighter
When you turn it around
Everything stays
Right where you left it
Everything stays
But it still changes
Ever so slightly
Daily and nightly
In little ways
When everything stays..." Tom sang, rubbing gentle circles on sonic to calm him down. Unfortunately, sonic'sNightmare was so bad he was nowhere near sleep ready. Once he was finally calm enough, he unburied his face from his adoptive father's chest, and looked right at him. "It was you, you were chasing me, you were working for egg man! You were going to dissect me or something! I thought I lost you dad! "Sonic stated, that being the first time he had ever called Tom 'Dad.' Sonic gasped, wishing he could've unsaid what he just said. Tom also gasped, but not from the nickname. He gasped at the fact that his adoptive son would have a nightmare about such things, Tom didn't even notice a few tears dripping down his own cheeks, he was so focused on comforting sonic. "Sonic.... Buddy... I would never do anything like that to you... You're my son... I love you too much to do anything like that to you..." Sonic buried his head into Tom again, Tom instinctively wrapped his arm around him protectively, shushing him again. "I've got you... Daddy's got you.... I am here, and I'm never leaving you." Sonic whimpered, he was really scared, Tom hated seeing him like this, whoever forced sonic into this living hell was going to pay! And they were going to pay big-time! Tom used his thumb to wipe the tears away from his adoptive son, as he did my tears began to trail down his cheeks. If Tom wasn't careful, sonic could end up turning electrical blue and blowing himself up. Tom inhalesslowly, indicating to sonic that he needs to calm down, sonic watched his dad closely, copying every motion he did. The slide praise coming from the other was enough to encourage sonic to keep going, after about 10 minutes sonic had stopped sweating, he was now just buried in his fathers chest. "I hate this... "Sonic openly admits, sniffing a little before are looking up towards his father. "I know, I know bud... I know you hate it, I think we need to go and see a therapist or something, to help you get over this trauma. "Sonic look down ashamed. "I'm sorry, I can't help it.... it's hard when you've been alone all these years . Sonic said referring to the opening up part. Tom nodded, knowing how hard it was for sonic to open up about his past and childhood. He had a breakdown mentioning the tribe, sonic didn't really know what they were called but that's what he assumed. Tom didn't understand anything, but he just watched his adoptive son go through the breakdown, as he tried to explain everything in the best of detail. " do you want me to go with you to therapy? Because if it helps you open up, then I'll be happy to go." Tom suggests, trying to make it sound like therapy wasn't a bad thing. Sonic nodded, Nessling himself into the warmth of his father. "I want to get to sleep but I can't, I'm terrified! "Sonic said, trying to escape his mind elsewhere. " would you like me to stay with you? I promise I won't leave. "Tom said, placing him on the chair that Tom was previously sitting on to go and change sonics bedsheets. After what felt like eternity to the blue hedgehog, Tom returned with a new sheet and extra things. "How about we make a fort? "Tom suggested, placing all the necessary items onto the floor, Sonic nodded helping his adoptive father make the fort. After a painstakingly 30 minutes the fort was finished, it looked so cool, sonic climbed inside climbing the spot which was his. Tom followed, claiming the spot which was also his, he opened his arms allowing sonic to clamber inside them and nest down into the warm and loving comfort of his dad. Tom rubbed his adoptive son on the back, running his fingers through his Blue like quails/Hair, Tom sang the lullaby again as he continued the say movement, just stroking sonic until he felt safe.

This is the longest story I've ever written! I'm so proud of it! Once again go check out the artist on tumblr! They did an absolutely amazing job! If you would like me to do a part 2 to the story! (Where sonic goes to therapy with Tom) please feel free to let me know, and if you happen to know doughnuts and sushi on tumblr please feel free to notify them that I made a story based on their art!
Also I forgot to add this in the bio, the cover art is not mine! If you know who it belongs to please notify me! It wasn't meant to be art theft! I just really like this art! And I most likely will do a prompt on The cover art also! Another thing, please please please ignore the grammar! It wasn't intentional! I'm using an iPad to dictate this so 99.9% of the grammar will be correct but some words will be wrong!
Anyway I really hope you enjoyed the story! Feel free to give your thoughts and opinions, in the comments! Love you!

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