9. Unpleasant Dinner

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Sunday came like a flash. Erin was anxiously waiting for her father and Will. She kept looking on the outside while she was helping Melinda setting up the table. Her housekeeper cooked this time, she doesn't have the energy to prepare all the food she used to when it comes to family dinner. She can stop now from trying, she was not in fact excited for the dinner.

Erin jumped on her feet when Will's car stopped from the outside, the engine hummed silently but her heart was pounding hard. She then saw Will got out of the car and looked at the surroundings, he then opened the passenger's car and fetch a bouquet of flowers. She could be happy seeing the pink tulips on his hold, but she was hurt. How dare he bring her favorite flowers? It was insulting for her, and for the first time, she was angry at the sight. If Will thought that she would be happy like in the past them he is wrong.

Will then entered the room and proceeded to the dining area where she is at.

"Hey," he greeted and attempted to kiss her but she dodged it. Will was clearly irritated by the refusal.

"Your favorite." He said then placed the flowers on the table. Erin looks at it displeased.

"Let's wait for dad." Her simple comment.

"He cannot come." Will deadpanned as the took his seat in front of her.

Erin was fuming. How come his father did not notify her. A dinner with Will is a total waste if he thinks that this could fix everything.

"My dear wife, I did not know that you are capable of being angry." He whispered. Erin caught his words but she cannot think of a good come back. She wanted the night to be over, so she just glares at her husband.

"Where's the guy from last time? I'm quite surprised you immediately replaced Maric."

"I'm not the one..." Erin thought that it is not wise to tell him about who hires Xander.

"Why not?" Erin said holding her fork with strength and utter some more to rile Will.

"I think he is more capable compare to Maric and the guy is actually my type." She could not believe she said that to him.

"You slut!" He hissed.

"I can make all your accusation come true. I can be in the bed with that man with my eyes open or better yet kissing him!" That was it, Erin gave him a challenging look.

Will will regret the day she hurt her, and she is done serving him kindness. He does not deserve it.

Will might not agree for a divorce, but no sane man who will accept a woman whoring around.

"Don't you ever tarnish my name, woman." He warned, but it didn't reach her.

"You started it, Will. Whatever your motive I will find out soon. I guess it's all in the documents seeing your reaction from last time. I wonder what's in it." Erin said clearly blabbing her possible card in the open.

But it was effective though, Will was frantic again.

"You have the documents! Where is it?" Will stood up and walked going to her seat.

"Where is it?" He was on rage again because of the documents.

Erin just wished she has it to check what's in there, but she doesn't have it.

"Give it to me, Erin!" He shouted but she did not budge at all.

"I will give it to you, but I want something in return."

"What is it?"

"Let's file a divorce." She said.

"No!" His quick answer without even thinking.

"Then, no. I will not give the documents back to you." She said and Will stop her from standing by pushing her shoulder down.

Erin panicked. She forgot that Will is capable of hurting her based on their last encounter. Melinda already went home and she asked Xander not to be around during their dinner. No one can help her in case Will will hurt her. Her basic self-defense cannot help her either since she was already cornered.

"You are scaring me, Will." She murmured.

"Good because it is my intention. Now, give me the documents back." He whispered to her and she can't believe the chill down her spine is out of fear. She used to feel it the other way around.

"Just give it back." Erin was debating if she will tell him the truth already, but her negotiation earlier was too good to be wasted.

"Now!" Will slammed the table and Erin jumped on her seat. He was impatient and she was scaring her more.

"I don't..."

"What's going on here?" Xander came into the rescue before she finished her words.

Her personal bodyguard walked into her defense swiftly.

"You. Not again." Will said ready to give him a fight.

"Stay away." Xander dragged her into the corner and faced Will again.

But before a bloody fight takes place, Will's phone rings draining the color of his face, and he was running out of the villa like he was chased.

"Are you okay?" Xander asked and before she can answer, her body slammed to him.

She was shaking and could not hold herself on her own.

"Just hold me, please." She murmured as she pressed her body hard on him for support.

It was not a good idea as her heart was pounding not of fear but of something else. Realizing her action, she distanced herself away but Xander grabbed her back and murmured.


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