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I nod and walk away. I felt so jealous and upset. I know that Changbin and I weren't even a thing, but I had hopes. I mean, you don't cuddle yourself to sleep with some random person right? I guess he did.

I couldn't handle to be alone, so I texted Minho and Jisung asking if they wanted to go get food with me. Of course, they agreed and were out of their door within 2 minutes. Seeing them made me feel a little better. Whenever I was down, my friends were always there to cheer me up, and that's what I love about them.

We got into my car, and the whole ride Jisung was complaining about being the one who had to sit in the back. Minho and I thought it was the funniest thing. After the laughter died down, Minho noticed that something was wrong.

"Lixie, what's wrong? You seem really upset."

So I told them. Everything. About my crush on Minho, about us cuddling each other until we fell asleep, about how he was always at my apartment to make sure I was eating and not overworking my self, about how he ditched me and didn't even text me, and how I saw him with Chae and our encounter.

They sat there and listened to me. They didn't make me feel bad at all. If anything, it made me feel so good knowing that I had friends who were listening to me and not judging me. I never had that in my life.

"I'm so sorry, Lix. You don't deserve that. You'll find someone better, who will treat you right."

"And I second that."

"Thanks guys. I really appreciate it. I'm so glad that you guys are my friends."

"And we're glad that you're our friend too. From now on, we are going over to your house to make sure you eat and don't overwork yourself, because from what you told us, someone needs to do it."

"And, we're going to drag some of the others along too."

"Sounds good with me."

We got to the restaurant and ordered our food. We made jokes and laughed a lot before our food got here. When our food did get here, Minho was staring at me like a hawk making sure that I ate everything. Jisung noticed and started laughing. We all joined in, and then went back to eating our food.

After dinner, Minho and Jisung went back to their apartment. I was extremely tired, so I declined their offer when they asked for me to go over to their apartment. I wasn't lying though, I was actually tired.

I laid down on the bed, and right when my eyes started shutting,

the music started.

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