Arivel To A House Of Secrets

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England's P.O.V.

We were ridding the train to an old, virtully abondoned town. France and I, that is. Well, there goes my vacation! Why did he want to come with me, anyway? I glared out of the window, trying my best to ignor the Frenchman in front of me. France just sat across from me calmly, reading. I stole a quick glance at the book he was reading.

'Ghosts of the Darkness?' Since when did France get intreasted in ghosts? He hated ghosts! He would always make fun of me whenever I brought it up.

"Hey, England. We're almost there." France said without looking up from his book.

I quickly turned my head away, hopping he didn't see my blush. "Alright." I whispered as we made it to our stop.

As we got off, I felt a shiver go down my spine, and I shivered. France saw this and handed me his coat. "Here. Put this on so you won't get a cold."

Surprised, I took it and put it on, and grabbing our luggage, we walked on to the house that we would sleep in for the next five weeks.

France's P.O.V.

We finally made it to the house after walking for two hours. It had rained a little bit, and I was chilled to the bone. I had given England my coat. The stupid Englishman had forgotten his at his place. England stopped suddenly at the door, looking in nervously.

"What's the matter, Angelture?" I asked, glancing back at him.

"Something'" England gasped, grasping his head in pain.

"Eh, Angelture?! Hold on! Here, you shouldn't be standing if you don't feel well!" I grabbed hold of him and slowly made our way to a sitting room.

"' England really looked pale. (I mean more than usual) England looked around the room.

"Something's not right here. I don't know what it is, but there is something here. Something that saw us come in and is not pleased."

I glanced around as well, not knowing if what England said was true.

"Well, at least we didn't bring America with us." I said jokingly.

England smiled. "Yes, he's always been afraid of ghosts."

I smiled down at him. 'Now that I think about it, England is rather cute when he isn't fighting with me.'

England sighed. "I think I'm fine now." He got up slowly and together, we explored the house. As I glanced into a room on the second floor, i was surprised to find that it looked like a nursery.

'What would a room like this be doing in a house like this?' I wondered.

All of a sudden, I noticed a flash of black go by me. Turning, I saw the corner of a black dress go around the corner. 

"Mmd.?" I called, seeing a woman walking into the shadows at the end of the hall. Thinking that the woman was lost, I followed her inot the darkness of the home.

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