I'm Scared

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"Goodmorning beautiful. How are you feeling?" Dahyun had just woken up to a smiling Sana.

"I'm a little sore but I can handle it and where is Momo?" Dahyun had looked around with a pout on her face because the other side of the bed was empty.

"Momo said she was sorry she couldn't be here when you woke up. She had to go teach her sister's dance class. By the way talking about Momo teaching. Did you want to go see her?"

"Hmmm how about five more minutes like this and then we can go." Dahyun snuggled into Sana's arm and went back to sleep.
"Come on you can do it! Remember 8 counts. Here do it with me 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8. Yes! That's it keep dancing like this and you will be a professional in no time." Sana and Dahyun watched Momo teaching her class and couldn't stop smiling at how good she was with kids. They stayed watching on the outside of the room until the class ended.

"Ok kids that's it for the day and keep practicing!"

"Thank you teacher Momo!" All the kids ran out of the door and that's when Momo had saw her two favorite girls.

"Hey, what are you guys doing here. Especially you Dahyun I thought I did you good." Momo had winked at Dahyun as she blushed and hid behind Sana.

"You don't even know she said she was sore the whole morning and acted like a baby."

"You promised me you won't tell her!" Sana and Momo laughed out loud because it was fun to tease Dahyun.
"Oh come on Dubu it's just a joke." Dahyun had been sulking the whole time they were walking to Dahyun's house. Sana had tried to make her smile again and even tried to act cute but Dahyun didn't let it pass. Secretly though Dahyun had been enjoying the attention so she pretended to be mad at them.

"Fine but I get to pick what we're going to do today."

"Wait really?! So you're not mad anymore!"

"Whatever let's go." Dahyun walked away as Momo and Sana were dancing on the streets because finally Dahyun wasn't mad at them anymore.
Dahyun's house
Dahyun had walked backwards covering both of their eyes to not ruin the surprise. When she got to the kitchen and uncovered them they gasped at how beautiful it was.

"When did you have time to do this? I love it!"

"Wow Dahyunnie I love it so much!" Dahyun had secretly asked her housemaid to prepare a surprise event for their first official date. The kitchen table was filled with their favorite food and on the walls were many decorations. After Dahyun had lit the candles everything was set.

"Really you guys love it." Dahyun scratched her head because she was embarrassed.

"Yes! This is the most wonderful thing I could wish for and I wouldn't want to spend this time with anyone else." Sana brought both her girls into a hug as they let everything soak in.

"I wanted to wait to say this but I really love you."

"I love you too."

"I love you."
After dinner
"Awww do you have to go so soon." Dahyun was clinging onto Momo stopping her from getting off the couch.

"I'm sorry Dahyun I have early classes tomorrow. I would really like to skip for you and Sana but I don't think that would be a good idea. How about I make it up to both of you later?"

"Fine ten more minutes or even five just stay a little longer."

"Ok ten minutes and I really have to go or I might not be able to leave you."

"Ok." Dahyun had grabbed onto Momo not letting her go. Momo shook her head leaning onto Dahyun and pulling Sana into her arms.

"So what can we do in ten minutes?" Momo had asked.

"Let's just stay like this I'm so full I don't want to do anything." Sana groaned as she rubbed her stomach.
Momo had left and it was just the two of them that was in Dahyun's house. They stayed snuggling on the couch missing the extra warmth.

"I miss her."

"She just left but you're right I miss her too. Come on let's get you to bed." Dahyun took Sana's hand as they walked up to Dahyun's room. Both of them got ready and now they were sitting on the bed.

"You want to sleep or we can do something fun."

"Let's do something."
"Yesss Sana right there! Hit it right there!"

"What about here?"

"Ok let's do it!" Dahyun and Sana were playing a shooting game where you have to aim the gun to kill the zombies. As you can see they were winning the game and Dahyun was finally distracted from Momo leaving. Sana smiled at Dahyun because she missed this side of her.

"Sana don't be distracted we are getting attacked! Noooo! Dang it we just died. What were you do-." Sana had pulled Dahyun down into a hug.

"Sana are you ok?"

"Yeah, yeah I just missed this side of you. Can we stop playing games and stay like this? You know like the old times." Dahyun had looked at Sana worriedly.

"Stop playing this game or... l-like stop dating Momo and just be the two of us?" Sana didn't look at Dahyun as she lay on her back staring up at the ceiling. She was scared to admit that the game she was mentioning could have been something to do with Momo. But instead of keeping it in she decided to talk to Dahyun about it.

"I was talking about this game but now that you mention it I'm scared. My only goal was to have a relationship with you but adding one more person just... nevermind." Dahyun had wiped the tears spilling from Sana's eyes.

"Do you think this whole relationship was a mistake?"

"No, no, this was the best thing that had happened to me and I love both of you equally. It's just that I've never really seen anyone being in an actual polyamory relationship so I'm scared that I will back out of it. And I don't want to lose the both of you."

"No matter what happens I will always be there to protect you and Momo. So don't be scared we will never leave you." Sana starts to giggle as she thought of Dahyun protecting them.

"You mean Momo and I will protect you."

"Hey that 's mean." Sana and Dahyun bickered back and forth laughing and having fun until Sana had fallen asleep. Dahyun was stroking Sana's hair listening to her soft snores as she worried about what Sana had said.

"Sana I'm scared too." Before Dahyun had lied.

Do you think Saidahmo would keep their relationship or should they just break up? Stay tuned to see how they work things out and I've changed my What if... series to a smut and fluff oneshot book so check that out too!

Please upvote and comment if this was ok and thank you for reading this crappy story! <3

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