The bookstore

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Your p.o.v

I stood in line to buy a drink in Starbucks. "I can get you over here, ma'am." The lady said with an obviously fake smile. Great.
After getting a drink, I plug in my earphones and began to listen to Ma Cherie by Palaye royale, and began searching for the Cassandra Clare books. I backed into something with an oof.
I turned around to find the source was a tall pale man with long chocolate coloured hair and an antique but artistic looking hat.
Oh my God!!! I just ran into Emerson Barrett!!
"I'm so sorry!" He smirked as I blushed, then began to help me pick up my books. "Whatcha listenin' to?" "Wouldn't you like to know." I rolled my eyes. "Actually yes, th-thats kinda the point in me asking." He said, trying to glance down at my phone, but I covered it with my sleeve, blushing. "Um ....... Ma Cherie." His eyes lit up. "What's your name?" "I'm (y/n)."

Emerson's p.o.v

I'm actually very glad I ran into (y/n), or rather she ran into me. She has sort of an artistic vibe to her. "Well.... I have to go, I have guitar lessons." She said, walking off. "Wait! I could give you lessons." The poor girl looked at me like I was crazy. "You? As in Emerson Barrett, the drummer of Palaye Royale? I wouldn't want to waste your time." She said, sipping her hot tea. "No, you wouldn't be wasting my time." I replied, trying to do anything I could to make her stay. "I happen to know a thing or two about guitar, anyways, thank you very much.," She looked genuinely surprised. Then it was getting old.... "What? I did grow up In a band after all. But fine, if you don't believe me.... I think I'll be leaving now." "Wait...... When are you available?" "Anytime you need me, love." It was absolutely adorable how she blushed then tried to hide it. "How about 2:00, can we do lessons then?" "Sure. I'll text you, and ask for the address." We exchanged numbers, then (y/n) went to pay for her books.

Short a/n:
Hey guys, so this is my first x reader, so sorry if it's bad. Also I will be glad to listen to any advice you people may have to help me improve my work
    Xoxo, pirate_gypsy_fairy

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16, 2020 ⏰

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