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Ja'Quavius Hall| Woo
Houston,Texas 📍| 2:07 am

"Family of Kiana Wright" I heard the doctor say. We been in this hospital for 6 hours and we just now about to hear something. I just hope she ain't dead. That's my luh baby. I swear I'm going on a killing spree if she hurt too badly.

(A/N:Yall I don't know nothing about being shot)

"So good news and bad news. Good news is we were able to get the bullet out safely. The bad news is the bullet was about 1 cm away from her heart and she is in a coma" the doctor said.

"So can we see her" I asked.

"Yes. She can't talk back but she can hear everything you say. Room 209" the doctor explained.

We rushed to her room. All of us tried to squeeze into this little room. K3, Ray, and King had got back here about 4 hours ago. Everybody stood around looking at her body. Man I hate this shit. I don't like seeing my baby hooked up to all these machines.

"Man. We finna go capture this nigga" I said getting up. I felt somebody pull my arm and it was K3.

"Man that nigga in the basement already" Ray said.

"Ight yall can go if yall want" I said. I pulled up a chair and waited until all of them left to actually speak.

"Kiana I know you can't reply but--" I started but I was cut off by the doctor busting in the room.

"Sorry to come in like that. Can I speak to you outside of the room sir?" she said all in a rush. Like breathe bruh. I got up and walked outside without saying a word.

"Again sorry to interrupt Mr--" she cut herself off realizing she didn't know what to call me.

"Woo" I said.

"Mr. Woo after several test it seems that Ms. Wright is 3 weeks pregnant" the doctor said.

"Okay" I said. I was just about to walk back in the room but the doctor stopped me.

"Also because of the vaginal tearing, we ran a rape kit on her and she was indeed raped. Do you know anything that can help her" the doctor asked.

"I'll see what I can find out" I said.

There is no point in telling her about this so she can go and get 12 involved when he finna die.

"Also this pregnancy is very high risk. She cant be stressing and although she is gonna crave snacks and sweets make her eat vegetables and fruits" the doctor explained.

"Thanks doc" I said. I walked back in the room and stared at Kiana. I need my baby to wake up asap.

I'm finna go get some answers cause why in the hell did this nigga shoot her if he wanted her. I think its deeper than Keke and Kd's relationship.

I just hope that these niggas ready for war.


Yall this chapter is trash to me. Sorry it's so short btw.

Just a filler

Keke in a coma.

Keke pregnant.

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