Do Not Disturb

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《Four Seasons Hotel Seoul》

 "We're here!" Namjoon cheerfully shouted as he pointed towards the right side. y/n slowly woke up and started to fix her hair. She didn't have much makeup on so her makeup wasn't ruined at all.

"Ahh finally!! I love this place! I'm just so glad I get to spend the first time here with the person I love the most" y/n said, putting her comb back into her purse as she gazed into Namjoon's eyes for a second.

"Same here babe. Same here" Namjoon said, taking her hand in his as he drove to the entrance of the massive hotel. 

They arrived inside the hotel as a tall handsome man opened the door for y/n and helped her out. "Thankyou!" y/n greeted and smiled at the tall man as he smiled back. "My pleasure miss, this way please" he said, extending his arm towards the hotel's grand entrance. 

y/n was always told she was too kind and that she trusts people too much. But she couldn't help it. Namjoon on the other hand, is a very reserved person. He'd appear very cold on the outside, but to the people he love, he is very open and sweet. Especially y/n. Although, he was protective as he was sweet. 

y/n is playful by nature. So she plays around with people a lot, making boys and sometimes even girls fall in love with her sweet self. Carefree is another word you could call it. Thats exactly what met Namjoon's eye when he saw y/n in an art museum. 

"So your name is.." she peeked at the gold plate that was attached to his uniform "..Myung-Dae! Such a lovely name! It means cleverness and greatness isn't it?" She asked as they were waiting for Namjoon to arrive before going inside. 

"Haha yes miss. Thankyou. May i ask your name please?" 

"Oh! Ofcourse! I'm y/n Kim. It's a pleasure to meet you!" 

"The pleasure is all mine. It's so nice to see such a gorgeous lady. Who're you here with beautiful?" He asked, dropping all the formalities this time. 

"Oh I'm here with my-" she couldn’t finish her sentence as she felt Namjoon's hands slither around her waist, pulling her closer to his body. y/n felt Namjoon's jealousy by the way he was being super protective. 

"Oh! Joonie!" y/n exclaimed as she looked up at him a bit nervously, knowing she have probably made him a little bit mad. 

"Joonie?" The man whispered under his breath but Namjoon heard. Namjoon didn't hesitate to show him that she was his property. 

Namjoon kissed y/n on the lips quite harshly but sweetly, earning a huge eye roll from Myung-Dae.

"I'm her husband. Now show us to our room please." Namjoon ordered as he got a glare from the boy who was yet to know who he was with. He had no idea that he was talking to the world famous Kim Namjoon. 

"Yes. My apologies. This way please." He said.

"He didn't sound sorry at all." Namjoon scuffed as y/n patted on his back. 

"Here we are miss" Myung-Dae said, pointing at a door that said 1609. He handed the couple a card which acted as the key in and out of the room. 

"Thankyou. You may leave now- oh yeah- bring us some coffee in about 10mins." Namjoon said as he sent the boy away. He never let go of y/n's waist the whole time. When they were finally in the room alone, he let go. 

"This place is amazing joonie!! There's such an amazing view! Joonie look!!" She oohed and aahed at the majestic view they got from the balcony of the 16th floor. 

"I'm so glad you picked this place for our honeymoon y/n." Namjoon smiled, watching his wife act like a 5 year old who've seen a giant lollipop. 

"But…" namjoon said, gaining y/n's attention.

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