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-Thorin's POV (Point of View)-

Golther was a well known warrior and comrade of mine. However, he betrayed his dwarvin culture by marrying a mortal girl and disgraced it further by having the half-blood child, Eva. My grandfather wished to banish Golther from the dwarves of Erebor but he knew that he was too valuable of a warrior. Malaya, Golther's wife, died in childbirth, leaving him to raise the girl alone. Eva was a perfect blend of the beauty of both races but being a half-blood was accepted by neither race.

Everything changed when Smaug attacked. Golther, being one of the bravest of our warriors, was one of the first to answer the call to battle. However, dwarf warriors are like mere ants to a fierce dragon such as Smaug. Our armies fell in no time & the screams of my fellow dwarves will always haunt my dreams. The elves stood and watched as we were driven from our home land, it was as if Thranduil came to bask in our defeat.

As we fled I noticed Eva was traveling alone, and then it dawned on me, her father was probably killed by Smaug. I cared little for the half-blood and continued on my way thinking someone would take her in. But as groups of men and dwarves split off and went their separate ways she still remained alone. The child was shunned by both races. I too would've walked away if I hadn't thought about the sacrifice Golther had made for our proud race. My respect for the fearless warrior was greater than my disdain for the child.

Eva was young; she needed someone to care for her. Something had to be done and since nobody else seemed to care, it was up to me to find her somewhere to go. I asked the few remaining dwarves and humans left but nobody wanted her. Nobody would take her in, despite my asking. No, not even me, their prince, could get them to look beyond their prejudice against the child.

When all else failed I went to the king for guidance. That was a bad idea. Losing his massive wealth and most importantly the Arkenstone really took it's toll on him. He told me to either abandon her or kill her. When I refused he ordered me to raise 'the little half-blood abomination' myself. I was stuck with a child that nobody, including me, wanted.

I feared how that would affect my reputation. If everyone shunned the child then they would surely shun me. I left for a human village, taking Eva with me. My hope was that I'd have more luck finding someone to care for her, away from the villages where she was known. I'd hoped that there was a chance that these humans would be less hostile than those from Dale. I doubt it, but left with no other option I headed to the village as quickly as possible, hoping to drop off my burden and catch up with my kin who were on their way to Ered Luin, The Blue Mountains.


Thank you DONOVAN94 for the wonderful trailer for Thorin's Forgotten Past!

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