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*Mai's POV*
It was a beautiful afternoon in Edo Japan. In the estate known as the Takahashi family, one of the most popular families in the South Ward. I was in my house, in my bedroom with my mother doing my hair. She brushed my hair gently with a comb before putting my hair into a ponytail with a pretty hair ribbon on it tightening and twist braided two sections of my hair. "Mai, be sure to be safe in the Red Light District." Said my mother. I stood up and nodded. "I will mother. I will be back." I said before I grabbed a basket and left my house.

My name is Mai Takahashi, I work as a florist and maid as my second job. People in Edo are very nice to me every time I walk by them. They call me 'The Flower Girl' because I collect flowers, study them and made people happy. The reason I work as a maid is because it is my second job to support both me and my mother after my father and elder brother left us. No, it is not a divorce, it is just a mission to make my brother a fighter and save and protect Edo from any harm. Well, me, on the other hand, I am a ninja in an ninja clan village called the Ozunu clan. After I escaped that ninja clan, I returned home when I was eighteen years old.

A version of a fifteen year old myself fighting in a battle against another ninja clan. Beside me was sixteen year old Satoshi fights with me. We became best friends from childhood to adulthood.

Three years later, Nineteen year old Satoshi and eighteen year old myself decided to escape the Ozunu clan. "Satoshi, I don't wanna my grandfather did while trying to escape." I said with a gentle voice. "We're going back home to Edo, Mai. Your mother was home alone with my mother." Satoshi said. We ran back to Edo and came into our homes and reunited with our families.
*Flashback End*

I will never forget about the events that led to me back into my past. But I can't let the past take over my life, I have to face it. Just as I arrived at a teahouse called the Tachibana House, my mother came up to the owner and manager and discussed details about me working as a maid. "Mai is such a hard worker, she was trying to support both her and me. Everyone loves her as she helps them as much as she can." My mother said. I smiled at my mother hearing her gentle and soft voice. The manager smiled before saying, "We would like to have Mai as our hard working girl who had a nice smile." I decided to began working by sweeping all floors, cleaning each house such as doing laundry, cooking and cleaning.

That evening before sunrise, I went to do some errands for my mother while she was at home preparing dinner for us. I carried my basket of flowers tulips, plum blossoms, daffodils to the flower shop where I was the owner. I put each flowers in each pots filled with water. I hummed a song inside my head while working mending flowers. I see customers walking in, smelling the flowers before they greeted me. I gave them a soft smile before helping them of which flowers they want. After selling flowers and made some money, I went to do some grocery shopping and get some food. I carried bags of food heading home where it is in the South ward homes filled with flowers in the front and back that where I collected flowers whenever I planted them.

 I carried bags of food heading home where it is in the South ward homes filled with flowers in the front and back that where I collected flowers whenever I planted them

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My house is wherever I go to whenever I need to run some errands, running two jobs at the same time day and night. I slid the door open and see my mother is in the kitchen cooking and praying. She was in tears as I could tell by the look of her face if something is bothering you. "Mother, what's wrong?" I asked before touching my mother's hand. "It's nothing Mai." Said my mother as she sat down on the floor. She just kept sobbing but part of me is telling me that something is wrong. I sat down in front of her before holding her in my arms. "Tell me mother. Maybe Satoshi and I can handle it." I said. My mother sighed before she looked at me with her eyes still filled with tears.

"I know Lord Tori of the North Ward of Edo  is doing smuggling with an unknown foreigner, Mai." Said my mother. My eyes widen at what she just told me. I heard of him before, Yozo Tori. He disgusts me and Satoshi, he always have an evil smirk behind his smile as every time we stay together to prevent Tori. "Mother, if he finds out that you knew about his smuggling, he will kill you and me..."I said before my voice cracked with tears in my eyes. "Yes. You have to tell the Magistrate that Mai." My mother said. My mother and I discussed what to do.

In the middle of the night, we were woken up by a loud bang on the door. "Open up Mrs Takahashi!" Shouted a man. That voice made me get chills down my spine knowing that Tori and his men are here. My mother then looked around trying to find a hiding spot for me to hide. "Mai, conceal yourself into the ceiling. I can't let them kill you too like your father did sacrificing himself to save us." My mother said. I nodded before jumped up and crawl into the ceiling like the ninja I really was when I was younger. 'Mother please be careful...' "I'm coming." My mother said. I can hear my mother's voice as I opened the ceiling a bit to watch my mother and see what was going on. Then I see Yozo Tori and his henchmen walked in with zori sandals on. "You're under arrest for involvement of smuggling." He said. I gasped quietly then my mother started to beg for forgiveness. Then I watched as Tori took out of his sword and slashed my mother right in front of me. My mother dropped to the ground barely breathing bleeding. Then Tori and his henchmen left the house and after they did, I dropped from the ceiling and went to my mother. I put my hand on her wound to make it better. "N-N-No...M-M-Mai..."My mother said dying in my arms. "Mother please don't go..."I said as my voice cracked. "Be strong...Mai...avenge my death...I love you Mai..."My mother said before she exhaled and died in my arms. "Mother....."I cried as tears welled up in my eyes. I made a promise to keep for my mother. She is innocent, she don't deserve to die like this.

After seeing my mother die, I wandered in the streets alone then I see a glimmer of light. I see a man dressed in dark ninja clothes and his black mask covered half of his face where I can see his beautiful ocean eyes and his hair is blue with a hairpin on the back of it. "What the? Who?" I said. The man in the shadows turned to look at me as his eyes glimmered. "Who are you and what are you doing out here in the middle of the night?" Asked the man. I stayed silent not wanting to respond. Then he climbed up to the roof and he vanished into the night. The events that I had I never expected to happen in my life; first my first job as a caretaker, then my mother was killed and now seeing a man in the shadows. I left the scene of the crime and went to the cemetery at my father's grave.
"Father, if you can hear me. I want Tori to pay for his crimes that he did to all innocent people especially mother. Please..."I said as my voice trembled with sadness. I was greeted by the silence only the winds blowing in my hair. Just as I went to put a flower on my father's grave, a hand came out of nowhere grabbed onto mine. I gasped as I see both hands grabbed on my arms behind my back circling around me covering my mouth. I struggled to fight back and a voice said, "Don't struggle." Then I was blinded, gagged and thrown over someone's shoulder. I felt my blood to boil when I was kidnapped by an unknown person. "We're here." Said the voice. Then I was placed down on the floor as my gag and blindfold were removed making my vision clear up.
I looked around me seeing an teahouse room before rubbing my eyes. "Now young lady." Said the voice. Then a man with green eyes and green hair crouched down to me. "What do you want with me?" I asked. "Kinshiro, why bring this girl here?" Asked a man with black hair and red eyes.
"What's your name young lady?" Asked the man called 'Kinshiro'. "Mai...Mai Takahashi.."I replied as my voice cracked in tears. "Takahashi?!" Shouted a man with purple hair and eyes. "You knew her?" Asked a man with blue hair and blue eyes with a hairpin in his hair.
"I know her mother. She used to come around the Red Light District." Said the man with purple hair and eyes. Great. One of the men knew my mother. Then a man with silver hair and blue eyes shyly looked at me as his glare made me uncomfortable.
"Mai, we all know your mother. She's a nice, loyal and caring woman to everyone." Said Kinshiro. I nodded before looking down feeling sad.
I wonder how they know my mother and why kidnap me.


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 04, 2020 ⏰

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