MV: Part Four

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Dipper immediately saw Tyler, standing in the exact place he'd been hours before. Had he moved at all? Had he gotten lunch? Guarding the Mystery Museum looked like a super boring job.

"I'm going to go talk to Tyler," Dipper said, pointing. "Where are you guys going to go?"

"I don't know who else is out here," Janice said. "I guess we'll just pick anyone? I'd feel better if we all went together," she added with a glance at her husband and son.

Greg and Robbie agreed, so the Corduroys went off in one direction while Dipper walked towards Tyler (and Wendy stayed by the Museum to start her mural). Mabel's moon was shining its dim blue light, and Dipper couldn't tell if Tyler had noticed him or not. But he didn't say anything until he was close enough to talk quietly. He didn't want any of Cipher's servants overhearing their conversation.

He could soon make out Tyler's face, which was watching him warily. Dipper gave a disarming smile, though he stayed silent until he was standing only a few feet from the signs Melody had put out to mark the barrier. "Hi, Tyler," he said. "Long time no see. How are you?"

"I'm fine," Tyler said slowly. "What are you doing out here?"

"I thought you might be bored, standing here all day," Dipper said. "I thought I'd come keep you company for a bit."

A strange look — grateful and fearful at the same time — passed over Tyler's face. "Thanks," he said, "but I really am okay."

"You look pretty bored to me."

Tyler glanced around. "Well," he admitted quietly, "I am. But I have to be out here."

"How come?"

"To guard you. Keep you safe."

Dipper frowned, trying to make sense of that answer. "Keep us safe from what?"

Tyler looked uncomfortable, like he knew he probably shouldn't be talking to a Symbol. Still, "From the creatures in the forest," he said. "They want to use you for their own purposes. But we're here to keep them away, to keep you safe until Lord Cipher comes to rescue you." He attempted a benevolent smile, as if Bill coming to "rescue" them were a great mercy.

Dipper swallowed his instinctive angry outburst. Don't get angry, Dip. You have to show this guy that you're still his friend. "That's not how I understand it," he said carefully.

The air of discomfort grew. "Yeah, um, that's what they said."

"What who said?"

"The Northwest servants," Tyler said. He glanced around again. "Or, Cipher's servants. They say you think the magical creatures are on your side."

"Yeah, I do think that," Dipper said, a little more sharply than he meant to. "Sorry," he said, trying to calm himself. "How come Cipher's servants are acting like they're in charge?"

"Because they are," Tyler said; he looked a bit annoyed about this. "Lord Cipher put them in charge, since he can't—" He stopped and turned a little red.

"Can't what?" Dipper asked curiously.

"Never mind," Tyler said. "His servants speak for him now, on his authority. Like we're not also his servants," he added under his breath.

Tension between the Order members about the servants. Could Dipper and Gideon use that to their advantage? "It sounds like they're making you stand here all day," Dipper said sympathetically.

Tyler shrugged. "Well, yeah. They're doing it, too. Like I said, we're keeping you safe."

There it was again. Safe. The word stabbed Dipper in the heart. Mabel certainly wasn't safe. Neither were Dipper's grunkles. Did Tyler realize that?

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