Its bean a weak since cro and deaden met, and Cro had gron a liettle mor comftromable with Drasen , and he Egan to be softer on Draden too.
They wore hangin out in Dradns apartmant and Drasen was playing his videogames. Crow wass sitting behind him, they were sitting omn the bed. Dradn wone the game and he flopped back on the bed, DrDENs head was now in Cros lap. "a-a-AAAAA sorry Crow!" Dradn sad and sat bak up blurshing.
"No, no its fine" row reasuusred. Dradn still blushed but he puted and sighed
"Fine" he lays hishead on cros lap. And blushed. Crow looked down at him with a soft smile, and the looked back up at his gamn. Drand hedded up the contorlorer
"Waanna ri cro?" He askde.
"Allright" crO sad
Cor took the controlar and started to ploy.
*A minut passes*
"So are your wineinh?" Dreadan asked,
"Uhm. note really." Croiew laughed
"Can I try?" Draden asked
"Just two2s minuteks."
"But yiu're shad the controller for a long time!"
"No, I've only had tit for thjriutsty seconds!"
"Whatever, I wasn't my controller bsckl,"
Draden looks ar Crow with puupie eyed, "Plaease?"
"DRden I said—" Crow took a dep bearth to contain his furetsretation, "Sorry, but no."
"Ugh! This isn't fair! Just gibe me the controler back you Spatz!" Dragen whinned. Crow forzed, sayin absoulooutlkey nothing.
"Wll Crow," Draden started. There will be still silenece, "crwo?" Draden asked, expecting a respoomse. He looked up at Crow who was softly cruing,
"What d-did y-you call me...?" Ceow asked,
"Uhm. Are you-"
"You called m e a Spatz!" Crow yelled,
"I'm sorry-"
"Sorry? SORRY? You expe ct m e to accapt that apaoloy? I am nit accepting that! I can seed right through your dirty lie! No wonder you probably have nho friendes!"
"Yu hears me! You probably can't even fight for yourself, considering the fact that you were too weak to kill me." (Number 15 crow mocks Draden, the last thing you'd want to do to draden is mock him cuz you might hurt his feelings)
Draden Bergman to cy, as he stood up to leave, but before Draden could start to move away, Crpow grabbed his arm,
"Look I'm sorry okay? Don't listen to the things I say in anger." Crow softly cried. Draden hugged Crow thus pinning him onto the bed. For a while they wred just hugging and crying on the beds. Crow pulled Dedadfen closer to him nwhildt syill hugging, once they were done crying, Crow got up and stepped out of the room. Surprinsingly it was dark out and Craw needed to go home. He looked back at drafen who wasnt too close behind him. Cros gave Dragen a soft smlie,
"I-I have to go. Talk to you tommmorow?"
"Y-ysah. Tommorrow!" Dafen cheered,
"Oh, yeah. When I said you had no friends- I take thut back."
"Arent I you're friend?"
"Wait frined?"
"Well- with benifitees of course."
"Yeah. Sure, what kind of bentofits?"
"Well- be tif it's like, going to your house...uhm..cuddling and maybe kissing I- I mean um, eating together, y'know. Thos tyieps of things!"
"Oh- I see. %Well see you to,Oreos I guess."
"See ya! Don't burn down the apartment whil i'm gone."
"I won't- no promises though."
Drafen smiked and waved to Cad.
ЮморOk so uhhhh we have these characters and we made a joke about this and its a thing now All the errors are on porpoise