Chapter Six

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For some unknown reason, I stood there, staring at his face as the words tumbled out of his mouth. My heart told me to go down on my knees and beg him to be with me, but I haven't stooped that low yet.

He turned around and began to walk away, and I just stood there, staring at his disappearing body. But then he turned around again.

"Let me give you a ride home." he said, I nodded weakly and let him guide me to his car, without a word.

He drove me all the way home without saying anything, except asking me for directions, and I would be lying if I said it didn't hurt.

He halted to a stop right at my front door and I climbed out without a word, and watched him drive away.

Jude and I had been in the same school since kindergarten, and all throughout high school he had barely glanced my way. I had never had a crush on him or anything. Sure, I had had a crush on Samuel Richter but all that ended when Leila died.

Now, all of a sudden, my heart pined for a certain Jude Davis, I didn't like this feeling.


"Where the hell did you go?" Tamara screamed as she entered my room.

"Woah, keep it down." I said as she collapsed onto the futon.

"You have no idea how worried I was! You ran away, and then for some reason, Jude went after you, and then Damien followed him. Damien came back saying he couldn't find you but Jude didn't. What is up with you and Jude, anyway?"

"I don't know, Tamara," I muttered. I wanted to tell her the truth but how could I? She would hardly believe me.

"You and Adam are hiding something from me, I can tell. And why did you show up with Damien?"

"Because he's completely hot," I smirked.

"Don't try to change the subject, Tanz. I know there's something fishy going on here." she said, her voice hardly calm. I sighed and rolled over on my bed.

"I don't know about Adam but I'm not hiding anything," I lied. I felt bad about hiding stuff from Tamara but I had to.

"Just promise me you don't like Jude? The guy is bad news, Tanz. And besides, there's Jonah..." her voice drifted off. I had never thought of Jonah that way, he meant something to me but he wasn't someone I wanted to spend my life with.

"I promise I don't like Jude." I smiled at her, hoping she'd believe me.

"Okay, then! Lets watch The Notebook. I haven't seen Noah's pretty face in a long time!" She squealed and skipped down to the living room, with me hot on her heels.

Just as Tamara inserted the disc, the door bell rang. I scuttled across the lounge and to the door, jerking it open.

"My favourite huntress," he grinned, flashing his perfect row of white teeth. I stood there, wide eyed, drinking in his excited icy blue eyes. His black hair were sticking out in every direction in a very sexy way and his muscles rippled under his gray tee shirt.

"Jonah!" I squealed as realization finally dawned on me. I jumped into his warm embrace, "its so good to see you."

"The feeling's mutual, but I had to go, I have missed you..."

"Are your parents still upset?" I asked as he let go of me and wandered into the house.

"Nah, they're okay because I'm back, now."

"Jonah!" Tamara ran toward him and pulled him into a bone crushing embrace.

"Yes, Tamara, its me. You can let go, now." he said, his voice muffled. I chuckled as Tamara instantly pulled away.

The Alpha's Huntress (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now