Interval 01 - Inception

25 0 0

3 hours later
4:00 PM

Toasa Business District, Abandoned Apartments
Nabuka, Japan

The armored sedan stops.

*tires screech*

Mimori: Alright, Johann. We've arrived at the back alley. Is your team on position?
Johann (radio): Geared up and ready.
Mimori: I'll stay here and provide coordination for our mission. Daniel, you're with Johann. Check the building for that homunculi.
Daniel: Sure thing, Togo.

*door open*

Daniel goes on foot, and finds the back entrance boarded with a few wooden boards. He uses a breaching tool to remove the boards.

On the doorway, only armed with his 45-caliber pistol, he kicks the door open. After checking his surroundings, he sees Johann breaking through the glass.

*glass breaking*

Johann: Hey, D. How's it coming from there?
Daniel: A bit unoccupied, if you ask me.
Johann: Gonna try another way around, somebody's stupid enough to put all these heavyweight boxes in the way, no way we could lift this each of them by hand.
Daniel: Sure.

He goes on to find a way. An unknown activity emits..

"Incoming Signal.. Unknown Origin"

A figure of a man was seen passing through the corridor, as Daniel followed it. The door closes quickly before he was able to catch up to him.

*door slam*

He opens it, as the paint cans are thrown off in the from the shelves.

*mess noise*

Daniel ignores it, as he finally regrouped with Johann. He moved the shelf blocking the door, clearing the way.

Johann: Hold on, let me move this a second.

*shelf creaking*
*door open*

Johann: There.

Both of them are aside the door, as they prepare to breach.

Johann: Ready, D?
Daniel: Go on.

"Incoming Signal.. Unknown Origin"

*reverse speech whispering*

Their visions are a bit blurred, but they can still see. They move forward, all the way to the other room.

They enter the room, only to see a dead body in a chair. Johann examines the dead corpse. The activity ceases.

Daniel: ....?
Johann: ....

Johann: Koyuki, we need you up here.
Koyuki (radio): On my way.
Mimori (radio): Daniel, I'm picking up the signal of the homunculi. It's gotta be near somewhere in that area. You gotta neutralize it before it does anything worse.
Daniel: Copy that.

Daniel proceeds to find the signal of the demon, and traces it to a rooftop area. As he was about to reach the back, he was hit by a blunt object.

Still conscious from the hit, he barely sees and hears the homunculi.


He began experiencing weird abilities from the creature, as if it were passing its form of understanding and sense to him.

After a minute, he woke up and finds out that the homunculi is gone.

Mimori (radio): Darn it, I lost the signal. Daniel, get back to your team and regroup with the rest. We gotta figure out our next move.
Daniel: Copy.

He moves back to the room where the dead body is.

Koyuki: I don't know what happened here, but whoever did this is just beyond angry. It's gonna take some time of research to get an ID.
Johann: Hey, D.

Mimori (radio): I've just got a report that they found the Replica unit at the harbor. The situation's escalating, we gotta get there now.

Johann: We gotta go, D. What about you?
Koyuki: I'll be with Kano investigating and examining about this for a while. I'll need forensic analysis and research.
Johann: Sounds good.

4:50 PM

*helicopter rotor running*

Commander: Alright. Here, listen up people. These men are from the special strike force elite unit called FEAR-Elite, their mission is to assess the nature of the threat. Remember that we are not dealing with ordinary bad guys since this type of enemy are unknown, so do not engage the enemy unless fired upon. We'll stand by and wait for further orders.


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