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chapter eight


"so you want to terminate the contract we have in place?" oliver scratched his beard. "you haven't even released the amount of songs-"

i cut him off abruptly. "i'm sorry to cut you off, but i have an entire EP done and ready to be released."

presley gawked at me. "since when? you haven't-"

"been to the studio? yeah, no, i did it all from home."

everyone around the table looked shocked.

"may i ask why?" oliver questioned.

"none of your producers know how to create the sound i want. nor are they willing to learn. its like you guys forget, i produced some of my biggest songs."

there was a wave of heads nodding. it wasn't like i didn't know what i was doing when it came to making beats, when i started taking music seriously i made sure i wouldn't have to rely on anyone if i didnt have to.

i continued my spiel. "and i signed this contract under the guise that i'd have creative control and so far, i've had none. every single song i send in for approval is shot down immediately. like how am i supposed to release any music if i can't get anything approved?"

penelope held her finger up, probably picking up on the irritation in my voice. "if i may interject- the sound isn't what we're looking for from you."

"what is the sound you're looking for then? because i've yet to be made aware of it." i tried to remain calm but it was hard when i felt trapped by these stupid label executives. "i thought i had control over what i wanted my music to sound like, so why is it that you even have the authority to tell me everything i've submitted wasn't the right sound?"

penelope tried to explain herself but oliver spoke over her, effectively making her shut up.

"i'm sorry dounia, there must've been some miscommunication. you are absolutely right, you have complete creative control and no one in this room has the authorization to tell you what sound your music should or shouldn't have. the one thing you didnt have absolute control over were release dates as we give priority to our larger artists." it was obvious that he was speaking to penelope directly. "when we initially signed you as one of our temporary artists it was meant to be beneficial for both parties. and i am sorry to say you haven't received any benefits from being under us. if you wouldn't mind, i would like to hear your EP."

a sense of euphoria caused me to lightly laugh to myself as i eagerly unlocked my phone and pulled up the project.

"it's called not good for the ego and it's four songs long, so like close to 12 minutes." i told him as i started playing it through the speaker on the table.

toxic played first and i found myself vibing out to my own music. i mouthed the words to myself, swaying my head to the beat.

each song played out without any interruptions and when they were all done, oliver applaud.

"this is perfect." his face was pulled into a bright smile.

i was happy that he enjoyed it, penelope had me thinking that they hated everything i was sending in. "thanks."

"when would you want to release it?"

i clasped my bvn hands under my chinz thinking for a couple seconds. "the beginning of next month sometime? i want to promote it a bit so i can have good engagement."

oliver waved to a small brunette asking her to check the release schedule for next month. her face flushed pink as she flipped through her calendar. "uhm the seventh through the twelfth are open for releases."

he looked at me, silently ushering me to pick a date. "the ninth."

she scribbled down some stuff and nodded.

"i assume you would like to discuss this." oliver rubbed his facial hair, as he flickered through the pages of the contract i brought.

i hummed. "i don't think being signed is right for me, like as of right now, you know? but definitely in the future, and if i have the opportunity to work with you again, i would."

we went through the contract together and at the end of the meeting he said he was open to signing but still needed their lawyers to review it. i was fine with it as long as they got to me before the release date of the EP.

leaving the building i was pleased with the way the meeting had gone. and there was this slight bit of smugness knowing that penelope would get in trouble, on top of being embarrassed in front of everyone today.

presley on the other hand was fuming, nearly bursting at the seams. "dounia, what the fuck did you just do?" his voice was low and venomous. "you do realize they're about to terminate your contract? the contract i worked so fucking hard to get for you?"

i sighed dramatically, knowing that i actually had to fire him now. it felt like such a pesky task now. "so the thing is pres, it wasn't working for me, something you don't seem to understand. you work for me, you're supposed to get me deals that i want. not the other way around."

"i've done everything i can to boost your career." the words were hoarse like he was trying not to pop a vein. on top of that we were walking through the lobby so he couldn't cause a scene.

"i appreciate that but i was talking to damien-"

"damien?" his voice cracked. "you're speaking to damien instead of me? i'm literally your manager. does that mean anything anymore?"

"yeah who do you think helped me draft the contract? i didn't pull that shit out my ass." i scoffed. "anyway he doesn't agree with the way you guys treat me either."

"so instead of talking to me about this, you go and talk to him!? yes we're friends, but he's my competition, douns! you can't do shit like that, behind my back on top of everything."

i twirled a piece of my hair around my fingers. "i've spoken to you about how i feel and you never listen, what was i supposed to do?"

his face was red as he tugged at his short hair. "i dont know, but not that."

"well he's my advisor at the moment so..." i shrugged, a sly smirk tugging on my lips.

presley stopped in the middle of the parking lot. "what does that mean?" his voice caught in his throat and the hysteria was now evident.

"it means," i put my hands in my pockets as i continued to my car. "team meeting at six, see you there."

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