ffifteen. end.

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second person's pov

it's been a months since it all happened.

you two were quite nervous about kuro's reaction about your relationship but you told him anyways.

"i would've been more surprised if you two didn't date already. then planning all of this with kenma would've been a real waste," he sighed in relief.

"what?!! it was all planned?!! oh kitty boi, you're gonna regret all of this," you exclaimed.

pretending to be mad but actually was kind of moved knowing the used to be shy boy, made an effort for all if this to happen.

"so what are you going to do with it? are you gonna break up with me after knowing how really romantic i am?!" kenma sassed out, which barely even happens and that is when he was only with you or kuroo.

"no! i'm just gonna give you a," you tiptoed to peck his lips after continuing the sentence, "kith."

"ewww!! get a room already, you assholes!!" kuroo fake gagged in disgust after seeing an unfamiliar view of his sister and best friend, but he soon ended up to be the one going to his room. he actually low-key shipped both of you after all.

"now that he's gone, teach me how to play already, kozume," you tugged on his sleeve which made him fanboy internally.

you two agreed on having a game date sunday afternoon, which was right now. and kenma have never been so happy in his life knowing that the person he loves is now having an interest on his hobby.

the day was spent with you in between his arms, teaching and enjoying the games in both of your little own worlds. you also laughed at him for having such a cute username, applepi.

the game only turning into a cuddle session after three hours of playing.

you looked down on the boy below you who really loved being spooned (yes he is the small spoon) breathing peacefully. you sure knew he was not asleep.

it's been months now that you've been dating but you still call him by his last name. though you know names didn't matter to him, you were afraid that maybe he'd be mad, or maybe it wouldn't sound as good as how his voice fits so much to speak your name. you were anxious.

but you thought maybe this is time you could try it. as much as you don't want to ruin the mood, you also wanted to take the risk because maybe, maybe it could make him happy. like how he makes you happy.

"k-kenma-kun?" your voice quivering in anxiousness.

his eyes shot open and body froze. he did not know what to do. he was surprised and glad that you finally spoke his name but still really wanted to hear you say his name but without honorifics and stutters.

"kenma," you spoke again, now in a calm and soft voice.

his golden cat like eyes lit up with fire and mind prayed thankyous to the heavens for giving him this wonderful creature in front of him. he have been waiting for you to call him by his name for a long time already but he didn't just know how to ask for it.

you felt his grip tighten and nuzzles his face on the crook of your neck to hide his smile.

"i love you." his voice muffled but you still heard it.

"i love you too, kitty boi."

kitty boi || k.kenmaWhere stories live. Discover now