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The Reckoning is here...
Err I'm...Well...😅😓
I Mean Welcome Home Y/N Saiki

The Saiki household was on edge all night and all morning as they had received a message from the eldest son, that his big sister had left him a message saying she was coming home for a visit. Kouso was in his room panicking silently pacing backwards and forwards wearing a hole in his rug. He only noticed when his mother came into the room to see if she could calm her nerves but she startled him instead.

But before they could calm down a knock was heard at the door and Mr Saiki answered it. It was Kusuke, he looked terrified at the fact 'Big Sis Y/N' is gonna be here. Mainly because she never lets him get away with all of the little schemes he pulls and his psychic cancelling device don't work with her. So any way you look at it, he's screwed six way from Sunday and there is nowhere to run. Once Kouso opens up to their big sister Kusuke is dead in the water.

Mama Saiki made a pot of tea and as she was about to bring it into the dining room. Her apron got caught on a doorknob and it made her trip and she dropped the teapot but before Kouso had a chance to stop it, the teapot stopped mid-air and floated onto a table and the air in the room became slightly cold. This all signalled the arrival of the one and only (in this timeline) Y/N Saiki. All the attention of the family members was placed upon a small giggle that erupted from the living room and there sitting atop the coffee table was the eldest child. Kusuke went as pale as a sheet of paper and passed out on the couch.

Y/N got up from her seating position to check on her little brother whom was foaming at the mouth now. She sighed a heavy sigh and picked him up, holding him like a baby rocking him side to side. Then she heard it, the thing that Kusuke dreaded. Kouso told her every little scheme his big brother had put them through over the course of the last few months she had been away, it just eked of him. Upon hearing this she dropped him like a hot potato or the turd he is.

The air felt bitterly cold, so cold in fact that poor Mama and Papa Saiki's teeth were chattering. Kusuke finally came to his senses when ice started to encase him starting at his feet. He started struggling and begging for his dear sister to spare his life. Kouso had to do something, so he spoke out loud and said "Even though he is piece of crap and deserves a good thumping, I don't think our dear Mother would like it if he died. Also it's really cold in here and our parents are going to catch pneumonia at this rate! So please Big Sis, let him go." He then said telepathically 'We can make him pay later' which made his sister smile wildly.

Saiki Kouso's Big Sister Has Come Home!Where stories live. Discover now