Chapter 41

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  Sorry for the spelling errors

Two moths later

Its been a two months of me and Brandon dating, its been okay we argue sometimes but we end up making up at the end of the day. Alex has supposedly not fucked or been around girls other then me and the girls at home witch is surprising since he is known as a "fuckboy".
I can't stop thinking about Alex every since he told me that he actually had feelings for me I decided that I want to end things with Brandon witch I'm kinda nervous about because I still want to be friends with him and I don't want it to be awkward between us. Dess and Carlos are officially a couple same with Desiree and Diego witch I'm happy about. Devyn and Jabez are very flirty with each other but aren't official. The whole gang thing is going pretty good we've sold a lot of drugs and weapons so far nothing really bad has happened yet witch is good. I told the girls everything that has happened between me and Alex witch their very understanding about.

I'm currently in Brandon room laying on his bed while I'm  scrolling through my phone while Brandon is playing he's ps4

Y/n: babe I'm hungry, could we go out to eat

Brandon: Babe I just ate when you went out with the girls

Y/n: oh well I'm going out to eat

Brandon: Alright be safe

Y/n: ok bye

Brandon: bye

I then went to my room to get my wallet and put on my shoes. I walk downstairs and out the door I see Alex sitting down in his phone outside so I decided to go talk to him

Y/n: hey, you good

A: oh hey, yea I'm good, why

Y/n: I don't know you just looked upset

Alex: oh no I'm good

Y/n: okay well I'm going out to eat do you want to go with me

Alex: isn't Brandon going with you?

Y/n: no he ate already

A: oh then yea I'll go

Y/n: ok

You say and you both get up and walk to the car the car drive was quite their was a little bit of small talk but you guys mainly blasted music. You guys got to Mc Donald's and went inside to order your food

A: So we don't talk as much anymore

Y/n: yea I know

A: how have you been you know with Brandon

Y/n: oh we've been good we don't really hang out a lot and when we do we're always on our phones if I'm being honest I haven't really been feeling our relationship lately it just feels like we don't even have feelings for each other you know

A: yeah I get you

Y/n: it just feels like we're friends and not a couple

A: so what are you going to do about it

Y/n: I think I'm going to break up with him

A: oh

Y/n: yea but I'm scared

A: why

Y/n: because I still want to be friends with him and what if doesn't want to be friends with me or what if we stay as friends but our friendship ends up awkward and weird

A: look I've been friends with Brandon for a while now and he's friends with all his exes the only girls he's not friends with is the girls that have cheated on him and I'm pretty sure you didn't cheat on him right?

Y/n: of course I didn't cheat on him

A: okay see you guys are good and you guys are going to be friends

Y/n: what if it's awkward

A: trust me the first few days will be awkward but you guys will eventually have the bond that you guys used to have

Y/n: I guess your right I'm still nervous

A: your going to be fine trust me

Y/n: okay

We talked for a little bit and then our food came once we finished we went back to the car and drove to the park

We were currently sitting down on the swings seeing the sun set

Y/n: I never asked you,how you've been

Alex POV
Sad because your not mine

A: oh I've been good

Y/n: Alex I know your lying

A: what no I'm not

Y/n: come on you can tell me what's wrong

A: it's nothing trust me

He gives a little smile

Y/n: Mhm, if you say so

Me and Alex hanged out at the park fore a couple of hours, we talked more witch it felt so good talking to him since we went distance on each other. We've been at the park for about two hours just talking and messing around with each other we finally decided to go back home since it was kinda late and dark now.

Y/n: I had a great day hanging out with you

I give him a small nice smile

A: me too we should hang out more often

He gives me a nice big smile

Y/n: yea we should, well I'm going to sleep goodnight

I hug Alex and he hugs back, it felt nice hugging him we both went to our separate rooms and fell asleep

Hey guys I'm sorry for not updating in a while,I just honestly don't really have motivation to right this story, I started writing this story just for fun I didn't really have a plan for it I just kinda made things up along the way witch was not such a great idea because I wish I could change a couple of thing in this story ._. But anyways I might end this story soon and make a new one because I honestly don't know what to do with this story anymore. Please comment who you want me to write about next :) well bye have a great day luvs💗 And thank you for reading my shity story💗

Bye :)

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