Free Drink, Free Date - Sugawara Kōushi

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Fresh, strong smell of coffee kicked your nose as you walked inside of a cafe. You thought of what you should order while you waited in line for ordering.

As you were thinking, a voice interrupted, "Next!" The cashier shouted. You then turned to face the cashier but was stunned. You observed him as you walked closer to the counter.

His messy silver hair swayed from side to side while a few hairs were poking out. He had a mole on the bottom of his left eye. His smile was sweet as sugar and angelic eyes met yours.

"Hello, what can I get you today?" He said in a cheerful voice.

"I would like to have a cup of (drink) and (snack) please." You replied back.

"Sure, anything else?" He asked back.

You shook your head giving no as an answer. He understood and told you the price of the drink.

As you were reaching for your wallet in your pocket, you couldn't help but noticed that the cute-looking cashier's gaze was fixed on you.

You found your wallet and handed him your credit card. His hands reached out and it touched yours. His hand was soft and warm. In shock, your cheeks went red. He immediately took the card and slid it through the scanner near the computer.

*Beep Beep*

A sound echoed, the barista looked confused and scanned the card again.

*Beep Beep*

The sound echoed out again, "U-Um it said that your card is declined.." He said while looking at you. As he said that, you suddenly realized that you were broke.

The humiliation hit you like a spike in the face. Even though the cafe only had a few people around at this time.

After a few weeks surviving on instant noodles, your credit card took revenge and still declined. Feeling embarrassed you quickly said, "(°▽°) O-Oh.. u-um, please cut out (snack) off then please. I'll just have (drink)." You looked down afraid to face the cashier.

The cashier was struggling to find something. He then took out his credit card and slid through the scanner instead. "It's okay, it's on me. You look like you needed it." He said while smiling brightly.

You quickly came to notice and argued back, "No no! It's okay, I can just have (drink). It's fine, you don't have to pay for me." Before you could say anything more, the order was placed. He started to get make your order while you were panicking of what to do.

"Thank you so much and I'm so sorry! How can I make it up to you? I would feel bad if you have to pay for my order even though you didn't have too." You exclaimed while the busy worker started to finish preparing your order.

He turned his back around to face you. Looking into your eyes, "Well, if you really want to make it up to me... Please go on a date with me." He winked at you. His wink was like a weapon of murder used to kill a target instantly. You basically died inside at this point.

Your face turned red even more brighter than a tomato. You were speechless; trying to think of what to say. Nothing came out but your head nodded by default.

The cashier then took the tray of your order and led you to a table of two. You followed him behind quietly. He put the tray down and pulled a chair out for you. After, he went to sit at the chair opposite to you.

He rested his chin on his hands while his elbow was on the table. He leaned closer to you making you feel fluttered. You grabbed the stands of your hair back and tugged it behind your ears. He smiled and said, "I'm Sugawara Koushi, nice to meet you."

"I'm (l/n)(f/n), nice to meet you too." You said, smiling slightly.

Sugawara was mesmerizing. His eyes shined like the stars. He was also a sweet guy. He was interesting, he talked with with me until he almost it got caught by his manager. You felt bad for him for almost getting fired because of you but it was funny since he was acting all suspicious about it.

[Bonus Ending]

You and Suga were now dating and this was your 4th date as a couple. This time, he invited you to a themed park. You both were excited as ever and went on rides and attractions. You had food and took a lot of pictures together.

While watching a mini show, suddenly a mascot appeared and took your boyfriend's hand and danced with him. You joined them and Suga got handed a microphone. A song then started playing,

"Under the sea... under Daichi..." Suga sang with the cutest voice ever. He took your hand and danced with you. You guys danced away having the best time of your lives.

{The End}
Oh my, I'm so cringeworthy guys.. (⁎⁍̴̆Ɛ⁍̴̆⁎). I'm so sorry that this chapter is shorter than others; like a lot. Please forgive me, I love our one and only Sugamama. ('∀`)

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