Chapter 1: The Beginning of Something Grand

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...In the Year of 2018....

Somewhere in a vast snowy isolated land. In the distance there was a facility, that blended in with its white surroundings. Inside, a orange haired female and purple one in white can be seen talking to another person in white.

Mash: "Doctor, may I ask why did you ask us to come here?"

Roman: "Well, you see.... This is an important matter of fact, that will give you a big advantage for next singularities you will fix"

Gudako: "What is it?"

Roman: " This will be another great summon for Chaldea, and also for you, Fujimaru. And so being a master and the only one here capable of summoning a servant. So, I ask. Are you ready?"

Gudako: "Wait, servant?"

Roman: "Yeah, you will be summoning a servant"

Gudako: "Then..... I can use the gacha?! Gacha?! Gacha! Gacha! Gacha!"

Mash: "Senpai, calm down you're having an attack again"

Roman: "And that settles for the first attack of the month, and I won the bet. Now, I can buy those Special Vinci Bread again"

He took out a bottle of pills and made Gudako take a few, making her calm down.

Roman: "All good?"

Gudako: "Aye. Okay!" She thumbs up

Roman: "Good, cause the servant you will summon is a..... a...."

Gudako: "A what?! Roman, tell me! Tell me! Tell me! The anticipation is killing me!"

Roman: "A.......... GRAND SABER?!"

Gudako: "Ah, wha? The hell is that?"

Roman: "You literally have King Hassan, who is the Grand Assassin! And yet you don't know?!"

Mash: "Didn't also Merlin, a grand--"

Roman: "Nope"

Mash: "Bu--"

Roman: "No. Nobody will talk about that useless clown of a mage/caster, here in my humble office"

Gudako: "Okay.....? But, hey! Don't you speak about gramps like that! I don't care either Gramps being a grand something of a servant! Gramps is gramps, you hear me! Nothing will change!"

Roman: "(Sigh) Do I really have to explain this?"

Mash: "It seems so, doctor"

Roman: "Oh, boy.... Welp, listen up..."

..A brief explanation later...

Roman: "And that basically sums up why a grand servant is..... Grand? I guess"

Gudako: "......












Mash: "Y-Yes?"

Gudako: "Let's go to the summoning room! And summon him or her! I don't care anymore! This servant. Must. Be. Summoned!!"

Gudako ran out of the room and headed straight towards her desired location.

Mash: "S-Senpai, wait for me!"

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