How to love a rich Jerk

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The next day of school you were prepared for the bullying to start again like every other day. But to your surprise, nothing happened.

Something wasn't right. Not even a simple assault was thrown at you and you got suspicious. You decided to search for Seto Kaiba during the lunch break.

You left the classroom as fast as possible to catch him in the hallway and you were successful. Before he could even greet you, you confronted him: "What the hell did you do?!" You sounded a little bit upset even if it wasn't your intention.

He smirked at you: "Nothing important. I just had a friendly chat with someone." The way he said it made you assume that it wasn't really friendly. You didn't even want to know the details you were just grateful he was able to stop it.

"Now that there is no problem with meeting me in school. Let us go out for lunch." You gave him a confused look. Going out? Didn't he know that you had to eat lunch in the cafeteria that was in fact in the school?

"What do you mean? You know that we have classes after lunch and that students aren't allowed to simply walk out of the school building during lunch break right?" You couldn't believe that he wouldn't know some simple rules.

"Screw the rules. I have money." He said. "So where do you wanna eat? Any preferences?" This man was unbelievable!

"My preference is not to get suspended." You answered indignantly.

"So no preference? Fine. I am gonna pick a restaurant then. Let us go." Without questioning anything he just gripped your wrist and dragged you with him.

Without any teacher interrupting you, the two of you left the school building. Seemed like no one of them cared about it like it was the most normal thing ever that two students just broke a rule and left the school.

He took you to an Italian restaurant that wasn't far away from Domino High School so you wouldn't be too late for the next class. He never failed to surprise you over and over again with the things he did. He was so self-confident because he knew what he could do and how far he could go.

You felt like you were the complete opposite of him. Always scared do speak up for yourself because you didn't know what could possibly happen and low confidence paired with the inability to meet new people that were around your age. Bonding with kids was easy but with others, it was horrible and difficult.

Like the last time, Seto paid the bill for you too. He was the one that invited you after all. "What am supposed to tell the teachers when they ask me where I was? We are not in the same class after all."

Seto wiped out a pen and a paper from his school uniform. "Bend over." He commanded you.

"What?" You were in the middle of the sidewalk and didn't really get what he wanted. "I need a replacement for a table. Bend over." He said again, a little annoyed this time.

You did what he wanted and you could feel the movement of the pen through your clothes and the paper on your back. He then handed you the piece of paper. It was a written excuse, that you had an urgent matter to discuss with Seto Kaiba with his signature under it.

Well, when he would describe grabbing a meal as an urgent matter, then he wasn't lying.

"And this will do it?" You asked suspect. "Of course it will." His answer was full of confidence. He put his pen back into the blue school uniform and you continued your way to school. You were pretty sure the pen he used was worth more than everything you wore.

Back in school, the class had already started. When you entered your classroom the teacher and the other students analyzed you. "I am hoping you are having a good reason for being late Mrs. (l/n)." The teacher said with a harsh tone in his voice.

How to love a rich Jerk? (Seto Kaiba x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now