Chapter 8: DECISION

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Gallu was right. It did feel strange, if only a bit. Gallu moved his hand away and I opened my eyes. Vividness. I couldn't help the grin that spread wide across my face, revealing my teeth. The others stared at me strangely, worried by my expression but I ignored them. Everything looks so clear!

My vision was so much better than it was before, in comparison it was as if I'd been staring through a film.

"Billy?" Ethan stepped forward, concerned. I could see above his head the name 'Ethan Jones' and then a bunch of random digits, almost like a telephone number. The font seemed like standard print but the colour was a semi-transparent red. When I looked at the name floating above Ethan's head I noticed that it and the numbers drifted about somewhat.

"It works." I proclaimed loudly. I looked at Jack who was staring emotionless at me. I could see his name and lifespan as well. "It really works!" I turned to Hannah and frowned. Even though her name 'Hannah Walker' was printed clearly above her head I couldn't see her lifespan.

Before I could ask Gallu saw the question on my face and spoke "Even with the Shinigami eyes a human can not see the lifespan of another human who possesses a death note. Although considering you can't read Shinigami time anyway it's more of an advantage if anything."

Normally I would be horrified that the terrible Shinigami would be talking to me but I was too busy being amazed at my vision to care.

"Before the bell rings and we have to go to class," Jack began, finally speaking "we should add each other's numbers to our mobiles so we can call if anything goes wrong."

Mobiles were pulled out of pockets. Ethan's mobile looked a bit out-dated. It almost resembled a brick. Jack's phone was a nokia and Hannah's was a black flip-top. I pulled out my silver phone and added everyone's numbers.

As if on cue the bell rang. I darted past Gallu and pulled open the door. Students were travelling through the double-doors to their roll call classes. I stood in the middle of the hall and stared wide-eyed at everyone. So many names! So many numbers! I started laughing and people who walked past either glared or stared at me strangely.

I could hear a sigh from behind me and an arm touch my shoulder but I shook it off and ran to the doors, shoving through a few angry students. When I was outside I could have screamed. Euphoria. I could see every student in the school walking to their roll call rooms.

Blood red names and lifespans were drifting about everywhere. Magic. I realised this would take some getting used to but I didn't mind. I'd just become the most valuable asset for Ethan and the others. With my eyes I'd finally be useful to another person.

"Billy?" I turned around to look at Ethan who stood staring at me warily. "We should probably go to roll call now." My heart lurched when I realised he'd been waiting so that we could go to roll call together. I stared down and my fringe covered my eyes.

I must have looked like myself again, the timid and frightened boy as I tried to conceal my blush. I didn't feel the same though. I was a new William, with a new power. I smiled back up at Ethan with my newfound toothy grin and he recoiled slightly.

"Yeah, let's go."



I sat in Math class boreddd... I hated this subject because the teacher, Mr Larson, wouldn't let me listen to my headphones. Since I obviously couldn't 'actually' listen to what he was saying I was left to day-dreaming. I couldn't stop thinking about how Billy had acted before... It kinda frightened me. He'd completely changed, it went from me hardly ever seeing those eyes to them being wide and manic. I now knew he had pale blue eyes. Pale blue terrifying eyes!

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