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Jimin almost forgot about what happened at Jackson's party. He almost did. He, with all honestly, was too focused on other things. So he kind of ended up forgetting that he needed to clear up this whole misunderstanding. If it weren't for Taehyung reminding him through texts that he had to talk to Jungkook about what happened that day, he would have probably not remembered it at all. He's glad his best friend's got his back.

But hence the fact that things are going great so far, Jimin thinks that he misunderstood it all. Cas was at probably at fault, initiating the kiss he'd seen on her own, only to be pushed away by Jungkook after Jimin had left, so he wasn't able to witness it.

That sounds pretty logical, it's most likely what went down at the party. He really shouldn't doubt people as much as he does, he needs to put a little more trust in others.

Now if all goes right, which will most likely occur, he's gonna have to buy Taehyung whatever he wants. And Jimin knows for a fact that he'll be buying his best friend something quite expensive. He also knows he's most likely going to end up losing the bet, the one that he'd made absentmindedly.

The way things have been going this whole week, is reassuring for Taehyung, he'll be the one winning. Tae's actually been accurate about it all.

He can already picture his best friend saying 'I told you, I'm always right' with that little smirk of his. He's really very angry with himself, he's smart but he sure acts dumb. But Jimin definitely is enjoying his amusement park date with the taller boy.

The pink haired boy isn't one to lie, and yes, he's been having an amazing time. It's been a while since he'd visited the amusement park, and it's been a fun day. Though he's pretending like he's not really having a good time, or more like from Jungkook's point of view it seems as if he weren't. But he truly is, he thinks this is literally the best day of his life.

That stupid bet he'd made, which he so painfully regrets, is probably the source of his very sour mood. So instead he recalls how sweet Jungkook's been the whole day. He's such boyfriend material.


"Jimin, you can hold my hand if you wanna." He offered ".The roller coaster ride might be a bit scary and stuff but I'm definitely not saying you're a scaredy cat or anything it's just I promised to protect you and that's what I'm trying to do so please don't take it the wrong way because I certainly don't mean it like that I swear!" Jungkook rambled on, which Jimin found extremely cute.

Bad boy Jungkook who has a way with words (he'd become quite famous because of it) is having trouble talking to him, how cute.

"I understand what you mean Jungkookie," he sent a little smile Jungkook's way, which reassured him that his words didn't come out the wrong way.

"And I'll, of course, hold your hand my prince." He said, giggling at what now had become their little inside joke. Jungkook is Jimin's prince charming and Jimin is Jungkook's princess. It was just for the two of them.

"Okay, my princess." Jungkook said, lightly chuckling. He really is in love with the pink haired boy, he's changed him for the better. He's truly become a new person, ditching all that was bad for him. And Jungkook feels bad, he almost, unintentionally, broke Jimin's heart. He feels terrible, the one thing Jimin had to see from the argument he was having with cas was when they kissed.

The younger boy had asked Jimin's friends, why was Jimin avoiding him prior to Taehyung's plan? Which was of course due to that dumb kiss. Taehyung had later texted him, letting him know that Jimin was there when it happened.

And well what the smaller boy saw was right in a sense, there was a kiss between the two. But Jungkook didn't kiss her, she kissed him, in fact he'd pushed her away right after her lips touched his own. Though she did have some grip. He didn't want to hurt her, but she wasn't letting go, so he'd resided in using a bit more of his strength. Though now he feels like he should've pushed her way harder.

He'd later learned that Jackson and cas were in on this little plan, Jackson wanted Jimin and cas was of course going after him. She was a crazy bitch, trying to date him multiple times. He regrets ever having something to do with her.

Their little scheme was for Jungkook to be out of the way, so Jackson would fuck drunk Jimin. And cas would end up hooking up with Jungkook. But he guesses either Jackson did someone else that night, or Jimin had fought him off.

But he's glad neither of those things happened, he'll also probably have to put a restraining order on cas. She keeps following everywhere, she's become extremely stalker-ish, thinking she's not noticeable. And he feels a little paranoid today, he feels like she might've found out that he had a date with the pink haired boy. So he's being extra careful.


"Want some cotton candy?" Jungkook asked, pointing to the little cotton candy stand.

"It's my treat." The taller boy said.

Truthfully Jimin was craving something sweet, but he could pay for his own food. Jungkook's payed for everything today, their entrance tickets, the snacks and foods they've eaten, literally everything. And Jimin feels bad, he's spent nothing, mostly because the younger boy insists that he invited Jimin so the smaller boy shouldn't be paying for anything.

"Sure, but I'm paying this time. I can't let you buy me everything Jungkookie." The elder pouted, sure Jungkook had tons of money to waste, but he feels bad when being spoiled like this.

"No Jiminie," the younger boy crossed his arms, "All that we do and eat today is on me." He said, matter-of-factly. Jungkook doesn't want Jimin spending any money, he wants to spoil his baby.

"Please kookie?" he played his trump card, puppy eyes. Jungkook was weak for anything Jimin did, but he's entitled to pay for everything.

"Nope. I'm paying, please Jiminie?" The younger puffed his cheeks, pouting in the process. He hardly ever acts cute, but he's going to have to play his trump card to win against the cutest human being on earth.

"Fine, you pay." Jimin huffed, finally giving in.

"All right, thanks for letting me pay min." He sent him a cheeky smile, content that he'd made Jimin give in.

"I guess your welcome." He crossed his arms, looking away in the other direction.

"Don't be mad Jimin. I just promised to pay for everything and I never go back on my word." He ruffled Jimin's hair and left to buy some cotton candy for them.

You sure know how to convince someone, right Jungkook?

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