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Hi guys. I just wanted to say thank you to all of the reads that I have. I'm so grateful for you guys and your support.
I really love writing, especially for you guys and I would love to keep writing.
I was wondering if you guys wanted challenges of the day. I saw that one writer was doing it. I don't want anyone to think that I'm copying. I just thought that that was a cool way to entertain the readers. If it is a problem for me to do that then I will not do it. I just want to keep you guys entertained. Again, I don't mean to steal others ideas, I just want to make this book more enjoyable. I don't care about how many votes I get or how many follows I get. I just care that people are supporting my books and that they are enjoying their day. With that being said I love you guys💖 stay tuned for another imagine.

Logan Paul ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now