Chapter 2 Jaune's origin

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Watcher "allright everyone we are going to watch the next chapter of Wolverine Jaune". Weiss "Wolverine Jaune" she questioned the watcher. "Yes I have to give this Jaune a different name because If I don't we all will get confused on the name got it.

" Eveyone noded "Oh uh yeah bringing in some new people" He snaped his finger and out appeared Neptune and Sun. Weiss shouted "NEPTUNE" as she hugged Neptune and he hugged back. Sun "Hey Blake how are you doing". We are doing fine".

Neptune looked at Jaune and said "Hey Jaune" "How are you doing Neptune" as they hugged eachother. Jaune explained to Neptune and sun about the situration that they were in and explained to both, that they were going to watch alternate version of him. Neptune "Sweet Man" as they sat down and the Screen lit up.

9 year's earlier, He was back in his old home and was 9 years old again with his family with 7 sisters and there was a racket in the house when he woke up went downstairs he saw Creed trying to steal his food. So Victor fought and punched him in the face as Jaune tried to defend himself. The stress of trying to defeat this Blond kid.

Yang" Holy crap Damn Jaune I didn't know you had 7 sisters, your Parent must have been busy" Summer slaped Yangs head "OWW" "Yang it is none of your business. What Jaune's parent do in their private time is none of our concern apologize". "Sorry Jaune." "none taken."

"Who is the Blond kid" Neptune said "I don't know but I got a bad feeling about this" Sun said uneasy about the feeling

This inturn activated his bone claws with in him came out of his knuckles too much to the shock of him and Victor. But Victor smiled gleefully as he wanted to see what this kid was all about. As Jaune stabbed creed in the chest. But Creed healed the wound much to Jaune's surprise. Then Creed stabbed Jaune as he screamed in pain

Ren "So Jaune's claws were originally bone, that's intresting" He said watching Jaune's claws stabbing into Creed.

Yang " Wait a minute isn't that the kid. That Vomit Boy was talking about in the last one". "Wait What" Both Neptune and Sun said confused at Team RWBY explained to them about how June said this Kid, named Victor Creed killed his two sister's. Neptune and Sun were both shocked as they heard the news and Wanted Jaune to teach him a lesson.

Jaune was pissed and never felt anything like this before until now

As the others heard this they went down stairs. Where they saw Jaune and another blond kid fighting as they watched in horror, as they fought they wanted to do something. Jaune told his sisters "stay back Don't come near us".

Neptune "Hello Sexy" as Weiss glared at neptune for the comment. Saphron "No Jaune let us help" "Don't worry sis I'm sure my other selfs got this" He Told his sister Lora and Alex "Please be okay son" as the prayed for their Alternate son on screen

they fight Creed "hello Runt there is something. I want to say to your family after I kill you I'll go after them." Jaune was pissed and wanted to show this fucker what happen to those who try to threaten his family.

Ruby " Go get him Jaune" as the others supported her and Saphron "Show him Hell". Jaune was hoping that his other self would do something about Victor.

So he went to his rage. His eyes turned yellow as he lunged at Creed and started stabbing multiple times.

Blake " Wait did Jaune's eyes turn Yellow didn't that happen when he sliced off Adam's Arm".  "Yeah what's that all about." Yang said to the watcher. "So when Jaune's eyes turn yellow it's kinda like Yang's eyes turn Red. The only difference is that it activates under two conditions, When Jaune's anger gets the better of him or he takes an extreme ammount of Damage also he feels no pain in this state.". Some were jealous of the no pain that Jaune got especially Yang and saw it as cheating The Audience noded and went back to the screen.

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