she's sick (requested)

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The sound of Sofia whimpering from beside you pulled you out of your light sleep.

You turned over to find her sitting up in bed, clutching her stomach.

"Sofia? Are you okay?" You asked as you flipped the switch on the lamp to allow a little light to appear in the room so you could catch a glimpse of your girlfriend's face. Her skin looked pale and clammy, she looked like she was feeling horrible.

Sofia looked at you for a second, her eyes clouded with worry. "No. I feel sick." You scooted closer to her and dropped your hand against her back. "Why, baby? What is it? What's hurting?"

"My stomach." She whimpered. "And I feel nauseous and hot."

You put your hand on her forehead. It was no wonder why she felt hot when she clearly had a fever and a bad one at that. "Do you think you're gonna be sick?" You watched her nod her head before you kicked away the blankets from your feet and went over to her side of the bed as fast as you could. "Okay, come on, Sofia. I'll help you to the bathroom."

She groaned and clutched her stomach, leaning against you with every slow-paced step you took. She knelt onto her knees and started to throw up right away. You winced at how painful it sounded and she reached back for your hand, which you gladly accepted.

"It's alright, baby. Just let it all out, I'm right here with you. It'll be alright." You whispered and used one hand to hold back her hair as she continued to throw up. Every lurch of her stomach seemed worse than the last and it was hard to see her so sick.

She let out a long whine when she finished and let her head fall back to your shoulder. You reached out and flushed the toilet for her before standing up and getting a cloth. You wet it down with cold water and then brushed it against her forehead and cheeks.

She hummed, the cool water feeling so good against her hot and sticky skin. "You okay, baby? Stomach still hurt?" She looked so tired and you could tell she was struggling to keep her eyes open, especially since you were only bringing her comfort when you'd brush the cloth along her skin.

"Kinda, but I do feel a little better since I got sick."

You nodded and tucked a strand of hair behind her ear for her. "Why don't you brush your teeth real quick and then we'll get you back to bed." She dreaded getting up because her legs felt so weak, but with your help, she managed to stand on her two feet, although she was shaky and her legs felt like jelly.

You held onto her as she brushed her teeth and rid the nasty taste from her mouth. When she finished you helped her dry her chin then put your arm around her and led her back to bed. She crawled in slowly and you covered her up with the blanket, but only up to her stomach since she felt a little warm.

"Need anything? Some water or something?"

She weakly shook her head and tried to keep her eyes open as she looked at you. "No. Just need you."

You caressed her cheek then kissed it softly. You crawled over to your side of the bed and lied down. Sofia was instantly moving into your embrace. "My poor girl. Are you okay?" She shrugged. "Maybe you'll feel better if you get some sleep."

She tilted her head up to gaze at you but her eyes closed when you brushed your lips against her forehead. "Sleep, baby. I'll be right here the whole time."

She nodded weakly, eyes already closed. "Love you," she mumbled tiredly.

"Love you too, Sofia. Sleep tight."

Sofia Carson Imagines (gxg) Where stories live. Discover now