The Siege of Equestria Part 2: All Out War!

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The space battle had begun to rage, with three TIE Fighters flying behind two Vulture Droids and a Y-Wing, they were rapidly shooting at. Eventually, the three ships allied with the Rebels were obliterated. However, two X-Wings came at them from behind and fired lasers, which took out two of the TIE's and forced the other one to fall back. Another five X-Wings approached a Star Destroyer and started firing at it, with the Star Destroyer returning fire with its cannons. The X-Wings spun around to dodge, but one was hit, losing its left-wing and spinning out of control, until crashing into the base of the Star Destroyer and exploding. A pair of TIE Interceptors then came up from behind and fired at the X-Wings, destroying another two and forcing the other two to fly to the left away from the Star Destroyer as the Interceptors pursued them. Four Y-Wings then chased after three TIE Fighters and shot them all down. However, the group was then being fired at from three TIE Fighters coming on their right, who annihilated all four of them. They then swooped behind three Vulture Droids and fired at them, destroying the one on the left. Before the other two could suffer a similar fate, two Y-Wings and an X-Wing got behind the TIE's and each shot one down. As the three Fighters passed the two Droids, the pilots all gave them a quick salute, with the two Droids turning their heads to them and nodding. After the two groups separated the two Vulture Droids then fired their missiles right at one of the Imperial Freighters, completely destroying it. Another Freighter soon followed, being obliterated by the lasers fired from a Separatist Cruiser's cannons. Then a TIE Interceptor and a TIE Bomber rushed at the Cruiser that did the deed, while it fired its cannons, the two spun to the right and left respectively, dodging the shots. The Interceptor then swooped in on the Cruisers right, firing lasers to destroy the cannons on that side. Then the Bomber launched it's bombs at the center of the ship, including the bridge, destroying it, with the rest of the ship exploding soon after that. One of the Blockade Runners then rushed in, firing all its laser as TIE Fighters swarmed towards it. A Fighter directly in front of it was destroyed, as was one flying on the right of the Runner. Another on the left swerved to dodge the shots from the rotating cannons. The Runner then had to turn left itself and back around to avoid heavy fire from a Star Destroyer. Two Vulture Droids then got in front of the Runner to cover it. They fired at the Star Destroyer, but one was instantly blown to bits by the Star Destroyer, with the other following after when two TIE Fighters swooped in behind it and shot it down. Several TIE's then started swarming around the Nebulon Frigate and firing at it. Onboard the led Star Destroyer, Naomi's smile grew even more, as more ships exploded ahead and around her view on the bridge.

On Equestria, Twilight, Yuya, Kalani, Trapper, and their forces were crawling on the ground up a nearby hill near Canterlot, with Trapper and a Commando Droid taking out binoculars and surveying the area. Trapper turned to the others and said, "It's just as we thought. All the secret passages leading to the underground of Canterlot Castle have been sealed by electronic secretary doors. Team B will need to cause a distraction to lure the Troops away, so Team A can have a chance to hack one of the doors so we can get to the Throne room for a surprise attack."

Kalani stated, "The majority of my Droids can handle this." He pointed to Trapper, "Keep an eye out and when the guards leave their post, Twilight and Starlight will mass teleport your group to the door, so the Droids I give you can get you inside." Pointing to the Commando with the binoculars, "You take out the two StormTroopers at the front entrance, then join us, so we can go in and cause a distraction with the Detonators." The Droid nodded and pulled out a sniper rifle. Kalani, ten of the B1 Battle Droids, all the Commandos except the sniper, and the Guard Ponies started leaving, soon followed by AppleJack, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Shay, Celina, and Slash. Before the group left, however, The Ponies and Dragon hugged, Shay and Celina, shook Yuya and Zuzu's hands, with Slash doing the same with his fellow Clones, with everyone saying, "Good luck."

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