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Have you ever had those moments where you just wished you were invisible? The moment when I went to the Power 106 Celebrity Basketball Game would definitely be one of those moments. The only reason why I went to the game in the first place was because I knew a lot of my close friends would be there. It wasn't until I saw Sevyn and Karrueche that I started to regret my decision.

My plan was to avoid them as best as I could. I was going to sit on the other side of court, far, far away from them. I refused to get spotted as I crept swiftly behind them.

Then it happened.

Karrueche saw me.

Shit, I thought to myself.

"Kehlani, oh my God!" she exclaimed excitedly with a huge smile on her face. I put on one of the fakest smiles in the world, covering up my true feelings about being seen.

"Hey!" I responded with mock-enthusiasm. Sevyn noticed me then.

"Kehlani! Come over here," she said.

A million thoughts flew through my mind.

What do I say?

Do I go over there?

But I really don't want to.

I mentally rolled my eyes before reluctantly passing through two rows of seats before making it to them. We exchanged hugs.

"What're doing here by yourself? You should've came with us." Sevyn said.

"I'm here with Vanessa, actually. She's in the bathroom." I corrected.

"Oh, well, why are you sitting so far? You and Vanessa should be sitting courtside." Karrueche said. "There's plenty of room available."

"Um, nah, we're good." I lied. I loved sitting courtside at games. But this game, however, was different. "Uh, Kae, can I ask you something?"

Should I ask her?

No, I can't.

I shouldn't.

I won't.

"Yeah, what's up?"

"I was wondering, since you're here, is Chris playing tonight? Or is he going to be... present?" Damn it, I asked.

"Yeah, he's playing tonight." She replied. "As a matter of fact, the game is starting in, like, two minutes. Just sit with us, please."

I decided not to protest. I was going to take the offer. While we were waiting for the game to begin in the next couple of minutes, I decided to text Vanessa about the new seating arrangement. Afterwards, I began idling on Instagram.

"Hey, baby," I heard Karrueche say to someone. A shadow had been casted in front of me then. I was too afraid to even look up. Could it be him? No way. If not him, then who else would it be?

"I'm excited," a male voice said. "You guys better wish me luck."

"Alright, break a leg." Sevyn remarked. "Literally."

"Haha, very funny," he responded sarcastically.

"Oh my God, that damn bathroom line was so long," Vanessa commented. She stopped walking suddenly, I noticed. "Oh shit." She whispered so low it was almost inaudible.

Her reaction confirmed my worst fears. Chris was standing legitimately only inches away from me. I dared not to remove my focus from my phone. I wasn't ready to face him just yet.

"Oh, Chris, this is Vanessa-the crazy girl I was telling you about the other day." Karrueche introduced. "And this is Kehlani-the best person in the whole entire world."

Karrueche tapped my shoulder and, on reflex, I looked up. My heartbeat quickened, skipping a few beats. And suddenly there was a huge, nagging lump in my throat. He was staring, as was I.

An awkward silence fell upon the group then, as Karrueche and Sevyn stood there trying to figure out what was going on. I thought I was going to be sick.

"H-hey," Chris stammered breathlessly. "Nice to meet you both."

I furrowed my brows in confusion.

"Nice to meet you?" Vanessa repeated unexpectedly, confusion apparent in her face as well as her left eyebrow had been raised.

"I gotta go now. Um... yeah," he said awkwardly as he walked away, completely disregarding her.

Karrueche and Sevyn were burning a hole in the side of my face, for I did not want to face neither of them.

Just as quickly as I had just got there, I was already ready to go. I had entirely too many things to explain to them, but I was in no mood to do so.

I decided I was going to stay for the game, but try to avoid the situation as much as possible (although I knew that was pretty much impossible).

Vanessa and I took our seats next to each other and sat silently as the game began. This was going to be a long game, I knew it.

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