Chapter Four

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Just a heads up, I'll be introducing more perspectives as we move onwards with this story.

22nd December 20xx

A few days had passed since the incident, making it around a week since it was determined that Taehyung had left. Just over seven days, and the shock as well as the trauma still remained as fresh as day one. Death isn't an easy thing to pass over, and because of it, grief becomes a major part of you. They work hand in hand, like soulmates. Grief holds your hand tightly as you move on with life and it becomes confusing, whether it's there simply to torture you and remind you of what is lost, or whether it's actually your friend guiding you to accept a nightmare. While Death, Death is the enemy you can't run away from: it keeps living, keeps thriving and makes sure grief always stays by your side. Death just takes and takes, and when it takes from you, you break.

Like the first day Death stood at the seven's doorsteps, today, once more, the boys were broken. They tried fixing themselves, over and over again, but it never worked in the end, they were drifting away and the six couldn't feel whole when they weren't seven.


The rustling of leaves was always therapeutic to Jungkook, it reminded him of his youth, when he would tend to a small tree. The transitions from bare and covered with white, to bulbs and falling petals, to the fresh green with a summer breeze to the warm comforting colours of fall made him fall into a dreamlike state.

Kook let out a small shiver, tugging on his coat as he felt the wind biting at his cheeks. He began to run and was hurrying to find some sort of shelter.

As soon as Jungkook opened the glass door, the warmth embraced him while pleasant voices entered his ears. The small conversations were like music to Jungkook; they made him feel happy and fuzzy. He wasn't necessarily happy at this moment, but he felt okay. Even if it were for a few hours, he was okay.

"What took you so long?"

Jungkook let out a small chuckle as he took a seat in front of the man, "hyung, it's only been 5 minutes since you texted me. Also, about that, what was so urgent that you needed to call me over instantly?"

The blonde fumbled around as he dug into his bag to retrieve something. With a small smile he brought out a photo, "remember this?"

In an instant, Kook burst into laughter. In front of him was a picture of young Yoongi and Jungkook dressed up for a party.

"Hey! I know you're laughing at me. You should see yourself though, you look weirder than me"

"It's just that," Jungkook spoke, still trying to quieten his laugh, "I must say hyung, you do make a wonderful female. I'm so glad I dared you to dress like that."

"Of course I do! These good looks translate into any gender. I'm a fine specimen." Yoongi said while wearing a smug look.

Both instantly burst into laughter, reminiscing about their youth; their childhood was a huge blessing.

With a genuine smile, Jungkook brought the coffee to his lips, hoping that he would be able to hold onto this happy moment for longer.


On the other side of the quaint cafe, only the tapping of a pen against the wooden table had been registered by a certain woman. Her eyebrows furrowed as she began chewing on the pen: she was puzzled.

She reached for the dark coffee, taking a few gulps in hopes that it would help her concentrate. The young woman combed her hand through her hair; she had only one question in her mind, how. How did it happen? How was it possible? How. Nothing was making sense to her, and she didn't like that. She hated not knowing, she needed to know.

Leaning back on the chair, she took off her glasses and began massaging the bridge of her nose. How. She hadn't been able to sleep well due to this problem. Her case was too different, making it almost impossible to solve.

Male. Aged 25.
Occupation: Model.
Found dead in an alleyway at 3:39AM.
Date of Death: 13th December 20xx
No camera footage of the actual death.
Streets completely silent and empty since hours before the incident.
Weapon: not found.
Body found at a horrific state; possibly tortured before killed.
High chance of victim being choked to death. No fingerprints on the body.
Highly likely that murder was planned.
Name: Kim Taehyung.

She opened her eyes, almost giving up on the case. At that moment, a familiar figure caught her attention. A man with tousled brown hair, deep hazel eyes and a cute nose. The girl mumbled a name under her breath, before shouting it to get his attention.

"Park Jimin-ssi!"

The brunette turned around with eyes that reflected confusion. The second his eyes met with the woman, he let out a smile before walking to where she was seated.

"Hye-Jin Noona! It's been so long since we last met. How have you been?" He spoke with a childish enthusiasm, causing Hye-Jin to let out a small chuckle as she brushed her notes out of sight.

" really has been long. Sorry, I should have really contacted you more regularly. I guess I became too much of a workaholic these days," Jimin nodded understanding her situation as he took a sip of his hot chocolate. Hye-Jin had always been a perfectionist and loved working and helping out. Growing up around her, Jimin knew her quirks well and may have even obtained some.

"I..uh. I heard about Taehyung...You two were pretty close weren't you..." Jimin looks up at the mention of his best friend, "I remember you two being inseparable and now...How are you doing? You must have been severely affected by his death. Are you okay?"

At the mention of Taehyung, Jimin's face looked like it was drained of all joy and his smile shifted into a frown. He took a deep breath and tried to omit the negative memories of Tae's dead body. "hm, to be honest Noona, I'm not really okay, but can you blame me? The one person I spent my whole childhood with, the person I spent my happiest moments with, left me. I feel so lonely sometimes, even if I get calls from other, no one can compare to Tae. I just hope that he's okay, wherever he is now. I hope he's still smiling. I loved that smile." Jimin numbed the last words, feeling too unstable to keep a steady voice.

Noticing that tears pricked at his eyes, Hye-Jin held his hand in a comforting manner, caressing the back of it. She never liked seeing the sweet child upset. "You were always our little angel Jiminie." She gave him a loving look and whispered, "We're all going to be alright."

The younger boy looked into her eyes, thanking her for her affection.
"I'm glad I'm not alone."

Please dont hesitate to tell me if the perspective changes in the future become confusing for you. I'll happily make edits to make sure the story is easy to follow.

Borahae 💜💜💜
- your favourite psycho

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