Oh no..

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Chase Pov.
Tony goes out the front door.
Avani: "Chase, really?"
Chase: "You're gonna me feel bad that I told on him. But it's not gonna work. I did what's right and I can't see her in pain when she was gonna find out the hard way."
Josh: "What was the hard way? Him cheating? Cause we all know he loved her and he wasn't gonna cheat."
Dixie: "Guys just-"
Charli: "And let's be honest. How was she gonna figure out if you didn't tell her? She wouldn't."
Dixie: "Guys liste-"
Quinton: "You did what's right but we should've done it all together so she wouldn't be mad at us."
Dixie: "Oh my fucking god GUYS"
Everyone turned to Dixie.
Dixie: "He was trying to have her back. He was thinking about her and if she was sad. He shouldn't have to think about us and her being mad at us. It's her feelings that matter in the moment. Not if she hates us."
Nessa: "Exactly."
Chase: "Thank you.."
Dixie: "And, we were all having Addison and Tony's back. We shouldn't have to take sides but we did. Because we thought it would save her from pain/heartbreak. But either way she would've ended up the same."
Ondreaz: "You have a p..oint."
Kouvr: "Is she ok?"
Chase: "Yeah she said she was fine and she wasn't crying. I bet she's crying in her room now."
Addison: "I'll go talk to her."
The girls go upstairs to lia's room.
Josh: "You did the right thing dude."
Quinton: "Yeah. Let's go find Tony."
Ondreaz: "Right behind you."
We all get in the car.
Lia Pov
I'm sitting on my bed. crying. Over a boy. Not like griffin though. I just- ugh.
What if tony has been cheating on me?
And Addison never told me that she used to be with him? I don't care if she cheated. Especially if she cheated on him.
I mean. I forgave Dixie. I can forgive Addison. I don't wanna hate her. I'll hate tony though.
Nessa: "Knock knock hello."
They walk in my room and I quickly wipe my tears.
Lia: "D-don't barge in like that."
Dixie: "Sorry."
They all sit on my bed with me and kouvr sits in my hanging chair.
Kouvr: "So."
Lia: "What."
I can see Addison feels guilty. I'll forgive, I just wanna hear her was sorry.
Avani: "Ok Lia. Tony was in a horrible place in his life. You can ask Ondreaz. He was drinking when he was 2o. He was depressed from his first heart break so he went breaking other hearts. Then he got famous and nobody knew about his girlfriends. When he got famous, he knew Addison was famous too. And they met at playlist 2018 (ik there was no playlist 2018 shush) then they never really liked each other but they got together for clout and their agents set them up. Addison was a completely different person back then. And she cheated on him. And of course he cheated on her too. But that's when they broke up and Ondreaz kind of forced him to take a break from relationships."
Charli: "Yeah. And then he was happy again, he stopped drinking. And then he met you. Lia. I don't know if you knew this but. You're kind of the reason he's this happy. You changed his life. I know for a fact he wouldn't age cheated on you. He's changed."

I believe them honestly. I mean, I can tell he wouldn't cheat on me- kinda.
Kouvr: "And Addison- you know what. She can tell you."
They went silent expecting Addison to say something. She was looking down at the bed.
Addison: "I.. I was in an abusive relationship before tony. And that changed my life. I know that's no excuse to cheat but.. I'm sorry. And of course. We're all sorry for keeping it from you. It's just we were afraid this was gonna happen. And I know Chase definitely did the right thing. And he didn't 'snitch' on us. He was being a good friend. And we also kept it from you because we knew that it was all in the last. And old Addison and old tony from 2018, are gone. We're totally different. I'm sorry."
Lia: "I'm too lazy to get up get your ass here and hug me"
They all laugh in relief and I smile.
Addison gets up and walks to me.
She pulls me out of bed and hugs me.
Addison: "I'm so glad we're okay now."
Dixie: "Oh shoot. Guys can we go live. To explain.."
Lia: "Yeah. They just need to know that I forgive you. I'll stop the hate."
We went on live.

Soon enough her comments went from really mean to this-

                 User4729475: WE FORGIVE YOUUU
                 I'msoindecisive: 💕💜💙💕💜💙💕💜💙💕💜💙💕💜💙💕💜💙

I hear the front door open and I'm expecting it's the boys.
Kouvr: "Let's go girls. Lia stay in here Tony.. might come up."
They all leave the room when I hear someone coming up the stairs.
It;s tony. He comes in the room and shuts the door behind them
Tony: "I-"
Lia: "I forgive you."
Tony sighs in relief and lays down on my lap.
Tony: "You forgive to easily." He smiles.
I giggle,
Lia: "The girls told me everything. I trust you."
Tony: "Thank you.."
He sits up and kisses me.
We make out for a couple of minutes when I push him off.
Tony: "You keep cheating!"
I run down the stairs with tony a bit far behind me.
When I get down I walk backwards.
Lia: "I win-"
I fall into chase landing on his lap.
We laugh. I couldn't tell if tony was jealous cause he was laughing too.
Chase: "it's fine haha"
He gets up and helps me up.
Tony: "Hey dude.. I'm sorry."
Chase: "It's gooddd"
They do that stupid hand hug thing that boys do.
Lia: "Avani."
I lay down on her lap.
Avani: "Yesss"
Lia: "Let's make a tiktok."
Avani: "K"
We get up and do this dance

Dixie zooms down the stairs, almost falling.
Quinton: "Woah woah. What's the rush?"
Ondreaz: "What h..ow?"
Lia: "H-how?!"
Nessa: "Griffin." Nessa said something under her breath.
We all look at Nessa.
Josh: "What?"
Nessa is staring at one spot in the carpet.
Nessa: "It was Griffin. It had to be."
Charli: "Oh no.."
All the boys come sit on the couch with us, including Dixie.
Lia: "They know he shot Griffin."
Kouvr: "But think about it. The fact that they believe him. After they know he shot you AND cheated on you. He's cancelled."
(Author: btw everything's good w Dixie she's uncancelled). :)
Chase: "Well our followers just have to know that Jaden did the right thing."
Lia: "They know.. They know."
I'm gonna say this once. I'm not doing the the voting thing so I can get votes. I'm not asking for votes. I keep updating too often. I'm "spoiling" my readers. Popular writers update every, like, 5 days! And the reason I do the voting thing is because I think it will take a while to get to the amount of votes I say. Like, I said 105 thinking I would hit that in 4 days and it hit that in a couple of hours. So I'm updating when I hit 115 votes :) I hope you understand. I'm basically doing little goals to keep me organized. Bye!

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