Quiet Questioning (6)

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Kirishima's P.O.V

I leaned against my door frame, the keys jingling in my hand as I waited for the explosive blond to pick me up.
He was late.

I watched the minutes tick by on my phone and finally at 8:12, seven minutes late, he pulling up into my driveway.

Hopping off the porch, I opened the passenger door and sat down, buckling up as he began to back out onto the road.

The ride was painfully quiet and I stared blankly out the window, trying to think of something, anything, that would lighten up the situation. But nothing popped into mind.
We drove for ten minutes and sat in the car for another five, the silence stretching as tension grew.

"Look, Im fucking sorry-"

"Shut up."

"Excuse me bitch I'm trying to-"

"Bakugou I said shut up."

"Why should I?" The blond yelled, slamming his hands on the dash as he glared at me.

I turned and his face dropped immediately, the anger gone to be replaced with something that resembled worry. Something others would have thought to be impossible.

"I should be apologizing." I whispered softly, wiping a hand across my face as I tried to stop the lone tear that threatened to fall.

"But I- I-"

"I was sober! I was sober! And I didn't fucking stop you. I should have pushed you away but I couldn't...So, I'm sorry..." More tears appeared and I quickly wiped them away, hoping the blond wouldn't quite see what was going on.

"Yes but I should've watched what I drank...don't be a moron and blame yourself." He reached over and lightly placed a hand on my jaw, turning my face slowly to the side.

We locked eyes and I exhaled shakily, squeezing my eyes shut as I tried to regain my composure.
You're fine.
Don't be a baby.
You're a man, so act like one.
This is why they didn't want you...

My eyes snapped open as something brushed against my lips. The blind was leaning toward me, his eyes concerned as he took in my details. The pad of his thumb rubbed along the side of my mouth comfortingly, his hands gentle and soft.

Leaning slightly into the touch, I closed my eyes again, wiping away the last of the tears that fell from my eyes.
I reached a hand up and gripped the one the that rested on my jaw, lacing my fingers through his.

A slight blush rose to his cheeks and I chuckled, my voice cracked and broken.
"Bakugou I..."

"Don't say anything right now, let me just comfort you." The response was quiet but stern and I nodded once, closing my eyes again.

We fell into a comfortable silence and his other hand came to rest on my opposite cheek, holding my face in place.
"Can you-"

"Yes, if you're okay with it."

I breathed out and gripped his hand tighter.
"I wouldn't have asked if I wasn't," I opened my eyes slightly and kissed him.

Bakugou didn't kiss back immediately, he was stunned for a couple seconds before he replied by tilting his head slightly and moving his lips with mine.

His warm breath tickled my face and I wrapped an arm around his neck, feeling his body relax at my slight touch.

The kiss wasn't heated, it was slower and more gentle. Something that wasn't rushed or filled with a form of need, it expressed their care for one another.

I was the first one to pull back, due to lack of air and my eyes fluttered open. Bakugou hadn't opened his eyes yet, just breathed heavily as his hands held my face.
"We should probably go inside..." He finally whispered, his crimson eyes opening to meet with my scarlet ones.

With a nod I moved my arm off of his neck and his hands fell from my face, allowing us both to unbuckle and exit the vehicle.
"I have a simple photo shoot today, one with Todoroki. We're modeling street wear."

"Alright, this better go fucking quickly because we still have to look for the asshat that attacked you."

Word count: 689

A really short chapter, but a chapter nonetheless. I'll be updating again soon, but this is chapter seven for you.

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