It was the, i want to say march? 25th? Maybe? Of 1897. The wall's shadow cast by the rising sun was both comforting, reminding him of the safety within, and intimating, reminding him of the danger beyond. Levi walked out, in silence as per usual, listening for a response; silence returned to him. Assured by the quiet, he continued on, right up to the wall.
He rubbed his hands together, slowly brought them back separately, grasped the implement from his belt and pulled them back further; then released them forward in a sudden burst of blinding speed and a flash of dust, a Levi begun cleaning the wall section with an old feather duster, which had assumably been used for years, judging by the dirt, stains and discolouration, and possibly used either to murder or clean a murder, judging by the copious amount of blood stains, but it was adequate for this task. Besides, Levi is Levi; he likes edgy, even in his feather duster.
However, no matter how hard Levi feathered the wall, no real impact was made on the grime, the filth clinging like his last ex-lover. And the one before that too. As well as the previous one. Maybe he just has commitment issues, idk. The point is, he was making no progress. Then he smelt something. A distinct smell, the scent of strawberry and nicotine. He realised what had happened; a trap.
The wall suddenly shimmered, as a multitude of golden forms emerged; though they didn't shine, due to it just being spray paint, the tuna still looked magnificent as the minions of Halbut, The Salman, except their goldfish not salman, except they're tuna fish that are gold and not gold fish, set upon him.
Mmphfrr mppsdf4r mmmphffrethtr
The tiny squeaks of these abominable creatures was deafening and maddening. Levi released his grip, the bloody duster falling to the ground but slowly because of the feathers, as he fell to his knees, defeated. He would never stand a chance against the immortal vapefish and their king/queen, we don't actually know, Halbut the Salman, they were just too power. But then he remembered something. His mentor, Bakugo from that one anime with the school or something, prepared him for this, and Bakugo's words echoed in Levi's head; "Listen up heckwit, if yar eva gon fite dat salman man, passibly ladee, u goa remember oen think.". Levi spoke the final words himself: "Turkey Lung.". Though Bakugo said it more like "terkee lun".
Levi picked up his duster, sprinted up to Halbut the Salman and waved it in his face. The scent of blood was too much for the turkey within, and it consumed Halbut's fishlung and his heart, killing him. Levi smiled, victorious. "I'm just too fantastic." he bragged to himself. Wrong. Offended, Megamind teleported behind him and shot him dead. The end.