A Trap

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Be smart, don't get fooled by sudden changes.

"Do they really need to fight each other?"

A woman wearing black suit showed up to save the team. She fought Ralph and Ben and made them passed out. And she saved the team. "Hey you, the girl hiding from that tree, Are you one of them?!", the mysterious woman said. "No, Those who are trapped are friends of mine", Charlotte answered. The mysterious woman climbed the tree, then she cut the rope from the net to set them free. "By the way, I am Monica and Im an expert at karate.. Those people worked for BladeFeather and they are here to trap you and bring you to BladeFeather", Monica said. "But how did you know that?", Lisa asked. I also worked as a spy from the military before and I saw them talking to some minions", Monica answered. "Well, this girl is awesome!", Ken said. Lisa got a little jealous. "Is that all you can do?", Lisa asked to Monica. "There are plenty more and we got no time for that", Monica answered. Monica told the group to put Ralph and Ben into a different and lost them. The team agreed, so that there would be no more chaos.

They got back to the tent and suddenly, Monica got a call. "Yeah, we are right here, at a tent in the middle of the forest", Monica said to the phone. Toby got suspicious. "Hey Monica, Who is that on the phone call", Toby asked. "It is my team, they are gonna get us here", Monica said. "How can I know if you are lying or not?", Toby asked. "I will never lie, it is a promise that I will always follow", Monica answered. Toby beleived Monica, since she is the one who saved them. Toby told the group about Monica's plan and they are all fine about it. But Lisa still didn't beleive Monica, not because of her jealousy on her but for her, its kinda off.

The next day, Monica told the group to get up and follow her. "My team has arrived, you need to follow me and go there as fast as we can to avoid contact with the monsters", Monica said. The team followed her except Lisa, she went the other way and snuck out to them. "Where exactly are we going?", Andrew asked. "To our base, so we need to be faster", Monica answered. The team beleived Monica and followed her. Then a horde of minions came chasing them. Monica is nowhere to be found and they thought she got captured. The minions lead them to a trap, in a big iron cage, and now they are stucked. "Guys, Where is Lisa?", Toby asked. "Oh no, I think he got captured", Ken said sadly. Then Monica showed up. "Hey Monica, We are glad you're alive, come help us please", Andrew said to Monica. "Huh! Did you really think I will help you?", Monica said. Andrew got confused. "What do you mean?", Charlotte asked furiously. "You're all a bunch of fools! Did you trusted me just because I saved you all from my team?", Monica said. The team realized that Monica is one of BladeFeather's pet. The minions took them into the warehouse, where they met BladeFeather. "Here is the deal", Monica said. "Did we do great?", Ralph asked to BladeFeather. "Yes, Of course, my little warriors", BladeFeather answered. The team got angry and begged them to set them free. They even tried to asked to join their group and help BladeFeather instead of killing them. But BladeFeather didn't agreed.

"So, why don't we show them their destiny", BladeFeather said.

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