Mission(chaper 4)

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It had been about a month since you first started killing. You brought to slander attention that jeff was rather displeased with you hunting on his territory and agreed that your hunting ground would be on the opposite side of town away from Jeffs so he didn't cause any altercations with your missions or vice versa. It was the end of summer. The days were warm and the nights were getting colder. Fall was just around the corner, the leaves had started slightly changing colors from their bright vibrant green to the pale yellow you loved. It was later in the afternoon, almost sunset when you felt slender calling for you, thankfully you had gotten used to his telepathy by now and it no longer hurt your head. You entered his office were slender sat behind his large Victorian style office desk. You could tell it was just dusted at the slight scent of the lemon pledge used on it. You greeted slender as you walked in the door and halted when you saw him. Jeff was standing at slender desk, he whirled around to face you, his long black hair trailed behind him neatly. He growled at the sight of you. "What's she doing in here, I thought you were telling me my next mission" he said eyeing slender. "I am" said slender "y/c is also coming along on your mission. And before you yell at me its a 5 day mission in the next town over. You will have to just shut up and get used to each other because this mission is gonna be a long one. It takes 2 days to get to the next town over on foot and you aren't just killing one of two people this time. Your killing an entire crew of reporters who in the next couple days will release evidence of our existence. And you need to kill all 5 of these reporters before they can release this information. I will give you all the supplies you need. You only have enough supplies for your 2 day track down, a day to get the job done and the 2 day track back." He warned them. Jeff hundred and looked over to you. You actually were pretty excited about your mission with jeff. It'd give you a chance to maybe be friends with him and you get to kill people! How fun! You smiled "well jeff im happy to work with you. I think this will actually be fun!" You commented with a bright smile and jeff rolled his eyes. "Whatever. Let's just hope we don't kill each others this next 5 days." He said and walked out with his hands in his pockets. You shrugged, you wanted to make the best of this and that's just what you were going to do. The days to come up to your mission you spent training to make sure you were more than capable of taking out multiple people at a time. You trained hard and when you weren't training you were packing and trying to ration yourself to get used to eating less on the road. You wanted to impress jeff honestly. You didn't want him to think that you werent capable of doing this mission. You thought doing this would get him to like you more and would impress him at the least. Smiling to yourself. You tried keeping a positive attitude about the situation but jeff on the other hand dreaded having to work with another person. He liked solo missions but admitted he probably couldn't take on 5 people at a time. He huffed. All he wanted to do was get it over with.

//sorry for not publishing for awhile in went on vacation and got a new job so I've been busy!//

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