Take My Hand

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The sun woke me from my slumber. I slept with my blinds open so I could wake, with the sun. I slowly rose and dressed myself. I grabbed my syth from the spot it hung. Shuffling I made my way to my boss's office. She turned her chair to face me and smiled.

"Hey Chess," She snapped her fingers and ushered me to a chair. "We have a new group for you to watch. War may be coming to them, but I sent them a peacemaker."

I leaned back and smirked. "Was it in the form of many doves?" She frowned.

"No a young girl, for that Alpha boy." I raised my eyebrow, she wasn't one to send people like this.  "You're in charge of this plan." She eyed me.

"Are you sure I am right the fit for this. Is this a love story?" I asked.

She nodded. "It is a love story, and Chess you are so keen on your planning it must be you. Ivory is too peaceful, and Ebony is too dark for this." My co-workers are quite the trip to watch interact. I was cunning and planned everything. Ebony was out for blood and souls. While Ivory delivered death like a sweet kiss to the forehead.

"As you wish miss," I said. She smiled.

"Alright, see to the plans and arrangments." She shoed me away, just as quickly as she had invited me to sit. I stood, bowed, and left with my head held high. Time to write a love story for two teenagers.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17, 2020 ⏰

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