Nayeon walked peacefully to her University the next day. She had burned every vivd detail from last night's dream into her memory. Under usual circumstances, Nayeon would usually ignore these hopeless feelings. But how can she forget such a heavenly fantasy? The way dream Dahyun smiled at her was enough to make her giddy.
As she thought about her dream more, the dark sky had begun to rumble and water droplets suddenly fell from above. The brunette looked up and felt the cold kiss of rain. Thinking quickly, she went to the nearest shade, momentarily scolding herself for not bringing an umbrella when her mother said so. 'Curse myself for not following!'
"Nayeon-Unnie?" She jumped from the call of her name, looking for the source of the voice and was surprised to see Dahyun. With an umbrella. An idea popped into Nayeon's head, making her smirk. 'Well, maybe there are some advantages to it.'
"Dahyun-ah, can I share your umbrella?" Nayeon questioned happily. "I don't have one with me and it looks like the rain isn't planning on stopping soon."
Two girls walked to their University together, shielded by a lone clear umbrella. The storm overheard was creating a chaos in a certain younger girls mind. 'She's so close! SHE'S TOO CLOSE!' Dahyun internally screamed to herself, holding the umbrella tightly as she could to stop herself from being a shaking mess. 'I think I'm gonna faint!' Dahyun looked at their linked arms, her heart beating really fast. 'Then again, didn't something like this happened before?'
"You're a life saver, Dahyun-ah." Nayeon said while flashing the purple haired girl a smile. Dahyun blushed and immediately turned her head away. "If you didn't saw me, I would've been still there." Nayeon chuckled. She knew she could just buy herself an umbrella from nearby convenient stores, but this was a one time chance and she didn't wanted it go to waste.
"I'm happy to help." Was Dahyun's only reply before giving Nayeon a warm smile. Both of them fell into a comfortable silence, cherishing what little time they had left before they entered their University's halls.
"Dubu, over here!" Both of them heard Chaeyoung along with Sana call for her. Nayeon pouted as Dahyun had slipped away from her arms.
"See you later, Nayeon-Unnie!" Dahyun bid farewell before running to her two friends.
"See you too." Nayeon whispered, limping her way towards her locker with a flushed face. Too much excitement just by holding onto Dahyun is what she concluded. "Dammit, Im Nayeon, this isn't like you."
"What isn't like you?" Suddenly, Momo, who had fries in her hand had appeared next to Nayeon, examining her red face. "Ooh, don't tell me. I'll try and guess." Nayeon sighed at her friends antics, shaking her head to calm her beating heart. "You haven't had breakfast yet, have you?"
"I might." Nayeon lied, but food wouldn't hurt her the slightest.
"Alright, Let's be pigs, Nayeon-Unnie!"
————————— I stan a shining tofu
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