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Running down the streets of Miyagi with your blue bag, you hurried to get to your morning class in time. You overslept and there was an important exam that you couldn't miss. Watching the time go by, you ran as fast as you could towards your University.

You had 5 minutes left as you stood on a crosswalk. The light turned red for pedestrians to stop walking and you took this chance to catch your breath. It was a cold winter morning. People were walking around with big puffy jackets and had thick scarfs around their necks.

On the other side of the crosswalk, you see a man not dressed appropriately for the cold season. He was staring straight at you as he stood across from you. His face was covered and his eyes were hidden under his sunglasses. As the pedestrian crossing turned green, you walked past the mysterious man that paid no attention to you. Turning back around, you see him conversing with another person where you once stood.

"Maybe I overreacted" You whisper, taking one last look at them. You glanced at your watch to see that you had 3 minutes left.

"Fuck" you huffed.


"How's the case going?"


"Bad how?"

"Very bad." Tsukishima bluntly said. He looked over the files again and sighed for the 20th time. The whole case didn't make sense. The murders looked too perfect. Too clean. Different victims of different ages, gender, and occupation. Different weapons used, different locations where the murders took place, and nothing was taken from the victims.

However, one thing remained the same. These people were kidnapped before the murders. By who is unknown. If it was one killer or many, he didn't know. Some victims were seen by many people before they disappeared while others were seen by a single person.

Daichi the head of K.I.O (Karasuno Investigator Organization) looked over Tsukishima's shoulders and sighed. He pats Tsukishima's back and takes the files away from him.

"Take a break, you've been on this for months. There hasn't been a murder like this for almost 8 months." Daichi says as he packs up the files walking towards his office.

"You act like the killer won't strike again, I need to close this case." Tsukishima is quick on Daichi's trail trying to take the files back from him. Daichi immediately stopped in his tracks, abruptly turning around glaring at the tall blonde.

"Tsukishima, I'm warning you. Take a break or you're off the case. You're in no state to try to solve a case right now. You want to help? Start going to local police stations to see if they have any information with the murders." Tsukishima stares into Daichi's scorching eyes before bowing and walking away. Arguing with Daichi was asking for a death sentence and he wasn't in the mood to have a lecture early in the morning.

"HAHAHA, Stingyshima is laid off." Hinata laughed as he witnessed what went down. Meat bun in one hand and coffee in another, he spins around in his wheelchair smiling tautly at his colleague. "I wasn't laid off shrimp, I'm on a break." Tsukishima hissed making his way to his desk.

"Sure, Triedshima, and I'm a lawyer."

"Come on King, we all know you're not smart enough to become a lawyer."

"Oi! What's that supposed to mean." Kageyama huffed, getting face to face with Tsukishima. Tsukishima smirks as he pushes Kageyama out of the way to sit in his chair. "You know exactly what I mean."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17, 2020 ⏰

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